2 Indigenous Peoples in Canada
About Indigenous Peoples in Canada
You have 3 Tasks to complete on this page.
It is essential to understand the long standing history and present day context of Indigenous Peoples in what is now known as Canada in order to fully engage in Canadian science, research, and policy. This remains true around the world. You will have a lecture in class about this topic during Week 1, and these videos will help provide essential information for ensuring you are engaging with these topics well and respectfully.
You can learn more by visiting the Indigenous Portal at UBC and the UBC Equity and Inclusion Office: there, you can find resources that can help your professional development and cultural competency.
Task 1: go to Native-Land.ca to learn about the Indigenous Peoples of the areas you live in.
Task 2: watch the three videos below.
Task 3: submit a reflection using this form.
Watch this video explaining how to talk about Indigenous peoples.
Watch this video briefly explaining the timeline of Residential Schools in Canada:
Watch this short video on Decolonization