

111 Agriculture

Also see Botany, and soil related OER in the Geology chapter.
Last update: Jun 22/23





Crop Genetics (CC BY-NC)

This book provides an introduction to the genetic concepts of reproductive systems, recombination, mutation, segregation and linkage analysis, inbreeding, quantitative inheritance, fertility regulation, population genetics and polyploidy.

Crop Improvement (CC BY-NC)

This book covers basic principles in the genetic improvement of crop plants. Emphasis is on methods of cultivar development in self-pollinating, cross-pollinating and asexually propagating crops. Relevant examples of crop improvement research in Africa are utilized to cover factors affecting cultivar release, multiplication, and distribution of high-quality seed.

History and Science of Cultivated Plants (CC BY-NC)

This textbook narrates how humans transitioned from foragers to farmers and have arrived at present-day industrial agriculture-based civilization. It entails myths, historical accounts, and scientific concepts to describe how human efforts have shaped and produced easier to grow, larger, tastier, and more nutritious fruits, vegetables, and grains from wild plants. Using examples of various economically and socially important crops central to human civilization, the book describes the origin of crop plants, the evolution of agricultural practices, fundamental concepts of natural selection vs. domestication, experimental and methodical plant breeding, and plant biotechnology.


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