
102 Law – General

Last update: Mar 14/24


Sarah Sutherland on Law Library Management (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

This is a collection of writing about law library management I wrote and published between 2011 and 2013. For newer writing on the subject, please see my writing published in my bi-monthly column in and on CanLII in Sarah Sutherland on Legal Information – Selected Slaw Columns From 2013-2019,, 2019 CanLIIDocs 2759.

The CanLII Primer: Legal Research Principles and CanLII Navigation for Self-Represented Litigants (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

The goal of this document is to help self-represented litigants (SRLs) navigate CanLll in order to prepare for the presentation of their cases – in court, in chambers, or as part of a negotiation or mediation


Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2021 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

This book presents proceedings of the 34th annual JURIX conference, which, due to pandemic restrictions, was hosted online in a virtual format from 8 – 10 December 2021 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Since its inception as a mainly Dutch event, the JURIX conference has become truly international and now, as a platform for the exchange of knowledge between theoretical research and applications, attracts academics, legal practitioners, software companies, governmental agencies and judiciary from around the world.

Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2020 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

This book presents the proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2020), organised this year as a virtual events on 9-11 December 2020 due to restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. For more than three decades, the annual JURIX international conference, which now also includes demo papers, has provided a platform for academics an practitioners to exchange knowledge about theoretical research and applications in concrete legal cases.

Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2019 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

This book presents the proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2019), held in Madrid, Spain, from 11 to 13 December 2019. Traditionally focused on legal knowledge representation and engineering, computational models of legal reasoning, and analyses of legal data, more recently the conference has also encompassed the use of machine learning tools.

Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2018 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

This book presents papers from the 31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2018), held in Groningen, the Netherlands, in December 2018. The support of the Dutch Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems for the JURIX conference has transformed a domestic workshop into an international events, with theoretical contributions, applied work, demo prototypes, a hackathon, and a doctoral consortium.

Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2017 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

We are pleased to present to you the proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2017. For three decades, the JURIX conferences have been held under the auspices of the Dutch Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems ( In the time, it has become a Europe­an conference in terms of the diverse venues throughout Europe and the nationalities of participants. The conference continues to address familiar topics and extending known techniques as well as reaching out to newer topics such as question-answering and us­ing data-mining and machine-learning.


This is a British Columbia created resource. Law Student’s Legal Advice Manual, 47th Edition (CanLII user licence)

Created by the greater Vancouver Law Students’ Legal Advice Society.

Supplementary Materials

This is a British Columbia created resource. Practice Checklists Manual (CanLII user licence)

From the Law Society of British Columbia.


An Introduction to Civil Procedure: Readings (CanLII user licence)

Readings and accompanying lectures by Prof. Noel Semple of the University of Windsor Faculty of Law.

Constitutional Law for Student: Part 1 and Constitutional Law for Students: Part 2 (CC BY-SA)

For students by students, to help navigate the complex world of Constitutional Law in South Africa. Constitutional Law is one of the most challenging courses in the LLB programme. This book aims to clarify concepts and increase understanding around the various aspects of Constitutional Law. Each chapter has a workbook to help prepare students. This book has been published open access to ensure that every law student and the public has access to it. This book has been designed to be as inclusive as possible with the addition of an audiobook format.

Contemporary Criminological Issues: Moving Beyond Insecurity and Exclusion (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

This edited collection, which features both an English and a French volume, was assembled to mark the 50th anniversary of the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa in 2018. The project is the result of a collective process and support from many colleagues along the way, whom we would like to take the opportu­nity to thank.

Cyberlibel: Information warfare in the 21st century?, 2nd Edition (CanLII user licence)

This book is not designed to be read cover to cover. Rather, it is designed to provide judges and lawyers, faced with a problem or number of problems arising from cyberlibel, a source of pertinent information as needed.

eAccess to Justice (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

The significant expansion of digital technologies over recent years has rendered them ubiquitous. They have been integrated into numerous domains throughout society, and the justice sector is no exception. This incorporation of modern technologies into the justice system has led to the emergence of a new and innovative field referred to as cyberjustice. This term encompasses both the integra­tion of information and communication technologies into judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution processes and the digital net­working of all stakeholders involved in judicial cases. Conceived in this manner, the primary aim of cyberjustice is to use modern tech­nologies to aid in the administration of justice such as to allow for the conceptualization of a more efficient method of achieving justice for litigants, thus ultimately reducing the abounding access to justice issues with which the legal system is plagued.

eText on Wrongful Dismissal and Employment Law (CanLII user licence)

First edition, eleventh update.

This is a British Columbia created resource. Ethics in Law Enforcement (CC BY 4.0)

In this book, you will examine the moral and ethical issues that exist within law enforcement. This book will also familiarize you with the basic history, principles, and theories of ethics. These concepts will then be applied to the major components of the criminal justice system: policing, the courts, and corrections. Discussion will focus on personal values, individual responsibility, decision making, discretion, and the structure of accountability. Specific topics covered will include core values, codes of conduct, ethical dilemmas, organizational consequences, liability, and the importance of critical thinking. By the end of this book, you will be able to distinguish and critically debate contemporary ethical issues in law enforcement.

This is a British Columbia created resource. Global Corruption: Its Regulation under International Conventions, US, UK, and Canadian Law and Practice, Fourth Edition (CC BY-SA-NC 4.0)

Created as part of the UNODC’s Anti-Corruption Academic Initiative (ACAD), Global corruption: its regulation under international conventions, US, UK and Canadian law and practice is a key resource for lawyers, public officials, and business persons of tomorrow on anti-corruption laws and strategies. Published by the University of Victoria Libraries ePublishing Services. Both volume one and volume two can be found at the link above.

Knowledge of the Law in the Big Data Age (CC BY-NC 4.0)

This book, Knowledge of the Law in the Big Data Age contains a selection of papers presented at the conference ‘Law via the Internet 2018’, held in Florence, Italy, on 11-12 October 2018. This annual conference of the ‘Free Access to Law Movement’ ( hosted more than 60 international speakers from universities, government and research bodies as well as EU institutions.

La réforme du droit de la famille – Une comparaison Sénégal-Maroc (Licence OpenEdition pour les livres)

Dans plusieurs pays musulmans, le statut juridique des femmes dans le droit de la famille fait débat. Ainsi, les États, premiers responsables de l’élaboration des lois, se retrouvent devant un défi de taille en tentant à la fois d’intégrer les normes internationales d’égalité entre les sexes et de respecter les prescriptions islamiques. De plus, ils voient leur autorité contestée par les acteurs religieux qui considèrent que le droit de la famille, traditionnellement régi par les normes coutumières et religieuses, est sacré, et qu’il n’a donc pas à être réformé.
La comparaison entre les deux pays où la religion musulmane est majoritaire – le Sénégal, une république laïque, et le Maroc, une monarchie où elle est religion d’État – montre la diversité des islams et de la charia, mais ne s’y attarde pas uniquement. Elle met également en lumière la progression des luttes féministes, menées sur plusieurs fronts, et l’importance des capacités et des sources de légitimité de l’État pour mener à bien la réforme.

Law and the “Sharing Economy”: Regulating Online Market Platforms (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

This book is organized around five themes: technologies of regulation; regulating technology; the sites of regulation (local to global); regulating markets; and regulating labour. Together, the chapters offer a rich variety of insights on the regulation of the sharing economy, both in terms of the traditional areas of law they bring to bear, and the theoretical perspectives that inform their analysis.

Legal Research Online: Information Seeking in the Digital Environment (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Legal Research Online provides students of legal research with a comprehensive strategy for managing the ever-expanding volume of legal information available online. The authors offer guidance, practical frameworks, and clear explanations of optimal online research access points, tools, and techniques. This textbook serves as a foundational resource for students, and aims to enhance their proficiency in conducting legal research in the evolving digital landscape.

Protest and Democracy (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

In 2011, political protests sprang up across the world. In the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, the United States unlikely people sparked or led massive protest campaigns from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street. These protests were made up of educated and precariously employed young people who challenged the legitimacy of their political leaders, exposed a failure of representation, and expressed their dissatisfaction with their place in the aftermath of financial and economic crisis. This book interrogates what impacts—if any—this global protest cycle had on politics and policy and shows the sometimes unintended ways it continues to influence contemporary political dynamics throughout the world. Proposing a new framework of analysis that calls attention to the content and claims of protests, their global connections, and the responsiveness of political institutions to protest demands, this is one of the few books that not only asks how protest movements are formed but also provides an in-depth examination of what protest movements can accomplish. With contributions examining the political consequences of protest, the roles of social media and the internet in protest organization, left- and right-wing movements in the United States, Chile’s student movements, the Arab Uprisings, and much more this collection is essential reading for all those interested in the power of protest to shape our world.
Created by Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.
The book, comprising 43 short chapters, is divided into 6 sub-themes: federalism and governance, accountability, civil liberties, equity, labour, and global health. Our approach is one primarily grounded in law, because of the critical nature of law in defining responsibilities, accountability, rights, distribution of wealth, and, indeed, health. We have included other important disciplines, includ­ing ethics, public policy, public health, and medicine.


H2O – Open Casebooks (CC BY-NC-SA)

H2O helps law faculty create high quality, open-licensed digital textbooks for free. Collect materials, hide and annotate text, and distribute casebooks to your students quickly and reliably. H2O is easy to add to your class.


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