
Fine Arts

49 Art History

Last update: Oct 26/23


3D Gandharan Sculptures (CC BY)

Three 3D models of Gandharan sculptures have been created from the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Research Collections (CRC), and made available on Sketchfab.


Art and Music Since 1945 (CC BY)

This open website is used for a course on Art and Music since 1945 offered at The Ohio State University. The website contains a collection of biographies of artists and musicians, a sample syllabus, and assignments. Its companion textbook is meant to be A Quick and Dirty Guide to Art, Music, and Culture, which is posted below.

Helen Langdon’s ‘Caravaggio’ (CC BY-NC-SA)

This course will concentrate on one of the most common forms of art history writing — a biographical monograph about a single artist’s life and work. You will be focusing on the way that one author, Helen Langdon, has used biography in her book about one artist, Caravaggio. In order to get the most out of studying this course you will need access to a copy of this book.


Essays on Paula Rego: Smile When You Think about Hell (CC BY)

In these powerful and stylishly written essays, Maria Manuel Lisboa dissects the work of Paula Rego, the Portuguese-born artist considered one of the greatest artists of modern times. Focusing primarily on Rego’s work since the 1980s, Lisboa explores the complex relationships between violence and nurturing, power and impotence, politics and the family that run through Rego’s art.

This is a British Columbia created resource. Untitled: The Artists’ Archives at UVic Libraries (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

A series of small books exploring artists’ archives from University of Victoria Libraries Special Collections.


Introduction to Art (CC BY)

From Boise State University.

A Quick and Dirty Guide to Art, Music, and Culture (CC BY)

An open textbook by The Ohio State University that discusses art and music in the context of popular culture. It is meant to work with the open course Art and Music Since 1945, which is posted above.


Shakespeare in China (CC BY)

The seminar ‘Shakespeare in China – A conversation with Lin Zhaohua’ is a series of videos covering the event was held by the Confucius Institute for Scotland as part of the Edinburgh International Festival in 2013. The seminar was dual-language with both English and Chinese being translated by participants.


19th-Century France: A Visual Resource (Licence unspecified)

This site contains a collection of photographs and information about 19th-century French painting, architecture, fashion, and caricature.

This is a Canadian created resourceOpen Art Histories (Various CC licences)

A platform for art, art history, visual art, communication, and museum studies teachers and instructors in Canada.

Smarthistory (CC BY-NC-SA)

A huge collection of educational resources related to art history from all over the world.

Verdi in Victorian London (CC BY)

Massimo Zicari’s Verdi in Victorian London reconstructs the reception of Verdi’s operas in London from 1844, when a first critical account was published in the pages of The Athenaeum, to 1901, when Verdi’s death received extensive tribute in The Musical Times.


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