

113 Astronomy

Also see Physics in this directory.
Last update: Oct 26/23


Introduction to Astronomy (CC BY-NC-SA)

Introduction to Astronomy provides a quantitative introduction to the physics of the solar system, stars, the interstellar medium, the galaxy, and the universe, as determined from a variety of astronomical observations and models.

Supplemental Materials

Astronomy of Many Cultures (CC BY-NC-ND)

This resource guide, for instructors and students in introductory astronomy courses, focuses on the contributions to astronomy of African, Asian, Hispanic, South Pacific, Islamic, and Native American cultures. It also contains a section on reports and articles for achieving greater diversity in science.

Black Lives in Astronomy: A Resource Guide (CC BY-NC-ND)

This focused resource guide, “Black Lives in Astronomy,” includes specific written and video resources about and by 25 black astronomers, as well as general materials to examine the history and issues facing black members of the astronomical community. It includes both older, established scientists and people early in their careers. It is aimed at the Astro 101 and amateur astronomer level, and thus does not include any technical materials. I hope this resource will give instructors and students examples of authentic black voices that can be shown in class or used in assignments.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Worksheets and Solutions (CC BY-SA)

A collection of worksheets and solutions that align with the Astronomy (OpenStax) textbook adapted by B.C. faculty.


Astronomy (CC BY 4.0)

The Astronomy textbook is available through OpenStax. it is written in clear non-technical language, with the occasional touch of humor and a wide range of clarifying illustrations. It has many analogies drawn from everyday life to help non-science majors appreciate, on their own terms, what our modern exploration of the universe is revealing

This is a British Columbia created resource.BCIT Astronomy 7000: A Survey of Astronomy (CC BY)

An adaptation of the Canadian edition of the Astronomy originally published by OpenStax for courses at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

This is a British Columbia created resource. Douglas College Astronomy 1105 (CC BY 4.0)

Douglas College Custom Edition for Astronomy 1105. Based on Open Stax Astronomy.

General Astronomy (CC BY-SA)

This Wikibook introduces the reader to that tapestry and the process that revealed it to humanity. It presents astronomy not only as a field of knowledge, but also as a human endeavor in science.


Stellarium (Open source)

Stellarium is a free, open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.


Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (CC BY-NC)

A collection of videos (33) looking at the possibility of life in space as part of the Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (ASTROBIO) open online course.

AstroTech: The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery (CC BY-NC)

A collection of 4 videos on astronomy as a discipline.


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