

144 Career Development

Last update: Mar 13/24


This is a British Columbia created resource. From University to Career: Creating a Successful Transition (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

This project was a collaborative process that started as a volunteer project for department members to translate their specific Experiential Learning knowledge into a chapter. We secured funding through the TRU OER Development Grant (twice), which supported two writing sprint retreats facilitated by instructional designers and a librarian. Our process included feedback from colleagues at a 2019 ACE-WIL Conference (provincial), as well as a focus group of students facilitated by instructional designers and a librarian. Upon receiving feedback, we completed a second writing sprint to complete chapter writing, which led to round table editing sessions and support from the TRU Open Learning editing department. Unfortunately, we were then hit with the pandemic and many employee changes within our department. We took time to reevaluate the project and realign chapters and authors with our original project blueprint.

Our project focus was to create an interactive textbook by design, and this was central to our initial project planning sessions. As a team, we decided to focus on including H5P activities, video’s, embedded assignments, and practice questions to each chapter.


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