

117 Chemistry

Also see Chemistry OER in development.
Last update: Oct 23/23


MERLOT Chemistry (Various CC licences)

The MERLOT Chemistry Portal helps people explore all the many resources available for teaching and learning chemistry.

Open Chemistry (CC BY-SA)

Open Chemistry (OpenChem) provides a full curriculum of recorded lectures covering undergraduate chemistry plus selected graduate topics. Through lecture videos and ancillary materials, anyone in the world can effectively sit alongside UCI Irvine students and view complete undergraduate core and elective course lectures delivered by top faculty members.

This is a British Columbia created resource.WikiEducator CHEMISTRY (CC BY-SA)

A collection of chemistry resources curated by Jim Hebden, a British Columbia high school teacher.


Biochemistry (CC BY-NC-SA)

Biochemistry is an introductory course, designed for both biology and chemical engineering majors. A consistent theme in this course is the development of a quantitative understanding of the interactions of biological molecules from a structural, thermodynamic, and molecular dynamic point of view. A molecular simulation environment provides the opportunity for you to explore the effect of molecular interactions on the biochemical properties of systems.

OpenOChem Cloud (Various CC licences)

A homework/quizzing system that plugs in to your existing LMS. Unlike other “do all” homework systems, OpenOChem was designed from the ground up for creating, sharing, and administering Organic Chemistry assessments.

Supplemental Materials

This is a Canadian created resourceA student Workbook and PPT Slides for Chemistry and the Environment: A Chemistry Perspective for discussion of Environmental Issues (CC BY)

This is a Canadian created resourceOrgChem 101 Learning Lab (CC BY-NC-SA)

A set of organic chemistry learning modules that provide structured guidance to explore organic chemistry concepts. The modules provide metacognitive support, interactive instructional videos, animations, and interactive activities that promote the mastery of concepts, provide feedback, and link to real-world contexts with three learning modules:

  1. Nomenclature for organic chemistry
  2. Organic reaction mechanisms
  3. Organic acid-base reactions

This is a British Columbia created resource.Downloadable images (CC BY-SA)


  • Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic: Movement of water, due to osmosis of a cell in three different solutions, tonicity. In a hypertonic solution, water moves out of the cell. In an isotonic solution, there is no net movement of water. In a hypotonic solution, water moves into the cell.
  • Molecules
  • Periodic Table of the Elements
  • pH Scale: pH Scale showing neutral, acidic and basic
  • Subatomic particles
    • Lost an electron joke: A joke about an atom losing an electron. When an atom loses an electron, it ends up with a positive charge, which is why the joke ends with “Yeah, I’m positive…”
    • Subatomic attitudes: Shows the relative charge of each of the subatomic particles, but as related to what the same language would mean with respect to personalities.
  • Synthesis and Degradation: Synthesis is the bonding of monomers to create polymers. Degradation is the breaking of bonds within a polymer to create monomers.


This is a Canadian created resourceChemistry and the Environment: A Chemistry Perspective for discussion of Environmental Issues (CC BY)

This textbook designed to accompany a one-semester course in chemistry-based discussions of important environmental issues such as air pollution, the ozone layer, climate change and water quality. Chemical principles are introduced, followed by environmental ‘focus’ sections to base discussions on the scientific principles and societal intricacies of the individual topics. A student Workbook and PPT Slides are also available.

Concept Development Studies in Chemistry (CC BY)

“Concept Development Studies in Chemistry” is an online textbook for an Introductory General Chemistry course. Each module develops a central concept in Chemistry from experimental observations and inductive reasoning. This approach complements an interactive or active learning teaching approach.

Chemistry LibreTexts (CC BY-NC-SA)

A collection of open textbooks, assignments, and other educational resources on chemistry subjects.

Introductory Chemistry (CC BY-NC-SA)

This books surveys some of the basic topics of chemistry. This survey should give you enough knowledge to appreciate the impact of chemistry in everyday life and, if necessary, prepare you for additional instruction in chemistry. Throughout each chapter, two features are presented that reinforce the theme of the textbook: chemistry is all around you. The first is a feature titled, appropriately, “Chemistry Is Everywhere.” “Chemistry Is Everywhere” focuses on the personal hygiene products that you may use every morning: toothpaste, soap, and shampoo, among others. This feature makes it clear that chemistry is, indeed, everywhere. The other feature focuses on chemistry that you likely indulge in every day: eating and drinking. In the “Food and Drink App,” it is explained how the chemistry of the chapter applies to things that you eat and drink every day. These two features allow us to see the things we interact with every day in a new light—as chemistry.

This is a British Columbia created resource. Introductory Chemistry – 1st Canadian Edition (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

This textbook is adaptation by Jessica A. Key and is funded by BCcampus Open Education. The goal of this textbook is not to make you an expert. True expertise in any field is a years-long endeavor. Here I will survey some of the basic topics of chemistry. This survey should give you enough knowledge to appreciate the impact of chemistry in everyday life and, if necessary, prepare you for additional instruction in chemistry.


Chemistry Videos (CC BY)

The following three training videos were produced by the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) with an OER Grant from BCcampus Open Education.

  1. pH meter and electro-conductivity (EC) meter training
  2. Ion Chromatography Training
  3. Microwave Digester Training

Media Attributions


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OER by Discipline Directory Copyright © 2023 by ePublishing Services, UVic Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.