
Human and Social Development

78 Child, Youth, Family, Community Studies

Last update: Oct 23/23



Children, Families, Schools, and Communities (CC BY-NC-SA)

This book is an introductory text in the field of Child and Family Studies. It provides a lens for understanding the evolving definition of “family” through socially constructed and ecological theory frameworks. It promotes strategies for culturally sustaining and deeply collaborative relationships between families, schools, and communities through the use of home-grown advocacy strategies based on community-driven data.

This is a British Columbia created resource. Crime prevention and community safety for children and youth in Canada (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

This book presents a collection of essays from some of Canada’s most well known scholars on the safety, health and well-being of children and youth. Several introductory chapters provide a useful overview of the concept of crime prevention and explore both historical and contemporary research describing Canada’s experience in this area. The remainder of the book builds on this framework with original articles addressing topical issues such as evidence-based crime prevention, early intervention models, youth gangs, violence against young women and the experience of Aboriginal youth. The book provides a compelling discussion of comprehensive community crime prevention. Published by the University of Victoria.


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