

20 Education – General

Also see Education OER in development.
Last update: Oct 23/23

Case Studies

SDG Toolkit for Canadian Colleges and Institutes This is a Canadian created resource(CC BY-NC-SA)

This guide identifies emerging practices in post-secondary settings across Canada that integrate the SDGs explicitly and curates a selection of these into an Open Educational Resource (OER) toolkit and guide to the SDGs for Canadian colleges and institutes.

This is a British Columbia created resource.UBC Open Case Studies (CC BY)

Click on “Education” in the top toolbar. These case studies offer a student-centred approach to learning that asks students to identify, explore, and provide solutions to real-world problems by focusing on case-specific examples. This approach simulates real-life practice in sustainability education in that it illuminates the ongoing complexity of the problems being addressed.



Offers a wide variety of resources and services to suit a diverse set of instructional needs and circumstances. In this section, you will learn more about those services and resources, including how they are created and disseminated to IRIS users and educational programs in the United States and around the world.


Good Practices Guide (CC BY-NC-SA)

Pubished by the American Philosophical Association (APA), this document, over 90 pages long, contains sections on interviewing and hiring, teaching and supervising students, professional development of faculty and students, communication, social events, bias and discrimination, and mental health.


This is a British Columbia created resource.Academic Integrity (CC BY-NC-SA)

An interactive approach to conveying the values of academic integrity, clarifying the meaning of plagiarism, and introducing the basics of citations, quoting and paraphrasing.

Educational Psychology – Second Edition (CC BY 3.0)

Available through the Open Textbook Library.

Embracing the Challenges of Personalisation in Mass Higher Education (CC BY-SA)

This book is designed to challenge your thinking about current and future practices of personalization in mass higher education. The OER is embedded in the context of digital futures for learning.

The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in Higher Education Environments: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples (CC BY)

This book provides both inspiration and guidance for those beginning work on affordable content and evidence of the growth that has occurred in this arena over the last decade.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Inclusive Pedagogies (CC BY-NC-SA)

Building on the principles explored in Foundations of Intercultural Teaching, this resource introduces educators to educational strategies that can foster more inclusive, equitable, and just classroom environments.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Interculturalizing the Curriculum (CC BY-NC-SA)

This book is the third in a series of educator development resources on interculturality. Developed for the KPU Intercultural Teaching Program, this short book engages educators in two main strands of interculturalizing the curriculum: (1) revising curriculum to reflect intercultural learning outcomes, and diverse content from multiple perspectives, and (2) supporting student interculturality development.

Introduction to Education (BETA) (CC BY-SA)

This book was written to provide students with an introduction to the field of education. The book is broken into chapters that focus on questions students may have about education in general. Although some chapters may go into more depth than others, this is created as an introductory text.

This is a Canadian created resourceOn Assessment: An Exploration of Emerging Approaches (CC BY-NC)

This textbook was written for the elective course–Special Topics in Assessment–that explores the “why” of assessments and how to make them more meaningful for students and teachers. It is based upon five foundational — and assessment-related — concepts. These are: being curious (demonstrated by working through critical pedagogy), embracing the open (achieved through an exploration of open pedagogy), exercising choice (exercised through inquiry-based learning), being brave (harnessing what Amy Collier and Jen Ross (2015) have described as the concept of “not-yetness”) and awareness (expressed through the process of critical reflection).

Trauma-Informed School Practices (CC BY-NC-SA)

This text assists educators in the development of trauma-informed competencies required to transition to a trauma-informed educational environment. The principles informing Trauma-Informed School Practices (TISP) are detailed in Section I, “Foundational Principles.” It begins with an overview of the struggles facing students and educators, grounded in the reality that many students experience unmitigated stress and trauma, and this has undermined their ability to be successful in the school environment.

Tutor Handbook (CC BY-NC-SA)

This handbook guides readers through the foundational skills and theory needed to be an effective peer tutor. Informed by the College Reading and Learning Association’s guidelines for tutor training, this handbook is a perfect accompaniment to the Association’s Level I peer tutor certification course. Each chapter covers a foundational topic in peer tutoring, providing real-world examples, prompts for reflection, and exercises for practice.

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