
Fine Arts

52 Film and Video

Last update: Mar 30/23


Theater & Film – LibreTexts (Various CC licences)


Do-It-Yourself Film School Online Course (CC BY-NC)

This course will teach you the basics of how to get the most out of shooting video with your mobile device. It will help you get to grips with the basics of shooting video, such as how to orientate your camera, and how to avoid shaky footage; understand the ‘rule of thirds’, and how to use it; the importance of lighting, including scenarios for filming outdoors and indoors; and how to get the best audio, and why sound is often more important than video.

Film Aesthetics (CC BY)

This open set of course materials for Film Aesthetics is a downloadable version of a course created for a learning management system. Included are learning modules and a quiz bank based on introductory film concepts including the following topics: Narrative structure and motifs, mise-en-scene, cinematography, sound design, music, and visual effects.


Shotcut (GNU GPL)

This is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor for Windows, Mac and Linux. Major features include support for a wide range of formats; no import required meaning native timeline editing.


Film Appreciation (CC BY)

This open textbook was developed with funding from an Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grant. It is dedicated to the remarkable faculty and students of the Communication, Media, and Journalism department at the University of North Georgia.

Interpreting Love Narratives in East Asian Literature and Film (CC BY-NC)

This book explores the role of traditional East Asian worldviews, ethical values, and common practices in the shaping of East Asian narratives in literature and film. It offers a specific method for this analysis. The interpretive goal is to arrive at interpretations that more accurately engage cultural information so that narratives are understood more closely in terms of their native cultural rather than that of the reader/interpreter.

Moving Pictures: An Introduction to Cinema (CC BY-NC-SA)

A free and open-source introduction to the art and science of moving pictures, offering in-depth exploration of how cinema communicates, and what, exactly, it is trying to say.


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