
Engineering and Computer Science

43 Mechanical Engineering

Last update: May 8/23


Hydraulics and Electrical Control of Hydraulic Systems (CC BY-NC)

This collection of instructional resources is intended to support teaching the “Hydraulics and Electrical Control of Hydraulic Systems” class using the flipped classroom format where lecture content is placed online and all class time is re-purposed into a hands on workshops or lab activities.

Intro to Motor Controls (CC BY)

Mechanical and electromagnetic control systems for both AC and DC systems will be studied. Ladder logic diagrams, starting and relay equipment used in control systems will be introduced.

Motor Controls (CC BY)

This course covers the following topics: Electrical Quantities, Electrical Tools, Electrical Test Instruments, Electrical Symbols and Diagrams, Control Logic, Alternating Current Motors and Transformers, Contractors and Magnetic Motor Starters, Control Devices, Timers, and Common Control Circuits.

Motors and Controls (CC BY)

This course contains materials to help the student to study, construct, test, and evaluate basic industrial control systems, including AC/DC motors, stepper motors, power sources, generators, tachometers, line diagrams and logic functions. Covers safety standards and preventive maintenance.


Electronics (CC BY-NC)

A collection of interactive learning objects that focus on concepts that cover a broad-based electromechanical program. Resources are divided into the following categories: AC Electronics, Automation, DC Electronics, Digital, Generators / Distribution, Hydraulics, Ladder / PLCs, Mechanical Drives, Mechanical Linkages, Electric Motors, Pneumatics, Process Control, Safety, Sensors, Solid State, Information and Communications Technologies, and Variable Speed Drives.


Programmable Logic Controller (CC BY-NC-SA)

An open access peer-reviewed publication on programmable logic controllers. Each chapter is available for download as a PDF.


Basics of Fluid Mechanics (CC BY)

This book describes typical issues that are taught and covered in first year class of fluid mechanics with various example applications with many visual illustrations. The focus of the book is on effective learning and current state of the art. The presentation is built from ground up to facilitate familiarity with many concepts used in real life. The concepts are described in easy and plain terms avoiding the jargon as much as possible. The real word examples are provided engaging the readers with the material.

Engineering Mechanics for Structures (CC BY-NC-SA)

This text explores the mechanics of solids and statics as well as the strength of materials and elasticity theory. In addition to introducing the fundamentals of structural analysis, it combines and applies important concepts in engineering mechanics. Its many design exercises encourage creative student initiative and systems thinking.

A Guide to MATLAB for ME 160 (CC BY-NC-SA)

This textbook provides an introduction to the MATLAB programming language for first-year mechanical engineering students enrolled in ME 160 at Iowa State University. Designed to follow the content taught in class, this book provides a supplement to in-class learning that is presented at a level that is understandable to a student with no prior experience coding. Topics include commands, MATRIX operations, writing scripts, graphing in MATLAB, graphical user interface, functions and function handles, inputting and outputting data, and projects.

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design (CC BY-SA)

A collection of readings and exercises aligned with the course, ME 270, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design, at Iowa State University. This course provides an overview of mechanical engineering design with applications to thermal and mechanical systems, and an introduction to current design practices used in industry. As part of the course design, learners will complete a semester-long team project focused on addressing societal needs.


Fluid Mechanics Video Series (CC BY-NC)

A collection of YouTube videos on different topics related to fluid mechanics.


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