

97 Media and Social Media

Also see Public Relations OER in development.
Last update: Oct 25/23


Media Programming (CC BY-NC-SA)

The Media Programming course contextualizes the task of programming by focusing on media, such as images, audio, and interactive systems. By doing so, we hope to put programming in a relevant context. For example, iteration is a programming concept that is essential to creating negative and grayscale images. You will learn algorithms for blending two images together and how hierarchical relationships are used to organize elements of a user interface.


This is a British Columbia created resource.Public Service Media Initiatives in the Global South (CC BY-NC-ND)

This book makes an important and timely contribution to an increasingly global discourse on the meanings, values and roles of public service in media provision today. While acknowledging the significant contributions of the public service broadcasting heritage in the Global North in efforts to establish such provision in the Global South, the contributors explain why simple imitation is unlikely to ever work well enough across such a diverse range of countries and regions with crucial differences in their histories, languages, cultures and experiences.

Supplemental Materials

Social Media & the Self (CC BY-NC)

Social Media & the Self is a course reader intended to serve students enrolled in media and communication courses. The readings, all of them previously published, were selected to address key themes in accessible prose. In a nod to the posed and theatrical context of social media, the collection is divided into five “acts,” followed by a handful of “encore” readings that speculate on the shareable future. Topics include the self in the age of Zoom; the social self; the performing self; calculated authenticity; the business of sharing; social (media) identities; and alternative futures.


Foundations in Visual Media Production (CC BY-SA)

This textbook is designed as an introduction to the process of producing visual media. It is intended to be an open textbook for COMM 505 at Granite State College in Concord, New Hampshire, United States. Topics include best practices for visual media production and client relations.

Humans R Social Media (CC BY)

Social media and humans exist in a world of mutual influence, and humans play central roles in how this influence is mediated and transferred. Originally created by University of Arizona Information scholar Diana Daly, this Third Edition of the book Humans R Social Media uses plain language and features contributions by students to help readers understand how we as humans shape social media, and how social media shapes our world in turn.

Social Data Analysis (CC BY-NC-SA)

This book is divided into four parts: 1. conducting quantitative data analysis, 2. conducting qualitative data analysis, 3. a practical section on conducting quantitative data analysis using SPSS and 4. a practical section on conducting qualitative data analysis using Dedoose. Each part can be used separately by those interested in developing the relevant skills

The Social Media Reader (CC BY-NC-SA)

This book covers a wide-ranging topical terrain, much like the internet itself, with particular emphasis on collaboration and sharing, the politics of social media and social networking, Free Culture and copyright politics, and labour and ownership. Theorizing new models of collaboration, identity, commerce, copyright, ownership, and labor, these essays outline possibilities for cultural democracy that arise when the formerly passive audience becomes active cultural creators, while warning of the dystopian potential of new forms of surveillance and control.

Trends in Digital and Social Media (CC BY-SA)

Social media and other digital devices have entered our collective bloodstream. This e-book touches upon the human experience of contemporary trends that affect how we perceive ourselves, others, and society.

Visual Communication (CC BY-NC-SA)

A general education textbook for the study of visual rhetoric and the use of visual media as a means for conveying information to an audience. In particular, we will limit our attention to the use of still imagery because of the vast, openly available repositories of visual media and the simplicity of manipulating them.

Media Attributions


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