
Human and Social Development

80 Nursing

Also see Nursing OER in development.
Last update: Aug 7/24

Case Studies

End-of-life Care After Stroke: Videos and Illustrations (CC BY-NC-SA)

This e-learning module aims to help healthcare professionals have sensitive and effective conversations about end of life care after stroke. Using different case study videos, its goal is to improve the care that stroke patients receive at the end of their life and the experiences of their families.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Health Case Studies (CC BY-SA)

Eight separate health case studies that align with the open textbooks Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care and Anatomy and Physiology: OpenStax.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Nursing Virtual Case Studies (CC BY)

These learner paced, interactive virtual branching case studies aim to help learners develop their noticing and clinical judgment skills. Each case study is designed to work with a specific level of learner (novice to advanced) and uses a variety of resources to help learners prepare for the experience and reflect on their actions. Concepts of patient-centered care, communication, safety and health and illness are used to demonstrate how care is provided in a variety of health care settings across the lifespan (community and acute care).


Regul8: A framework for optimising autonomic regulation in children (CC BY-NC)

The Regul8 framework represents an approach to providing fundamental children’s nursing care. The impetus for the work was to align emerging understandings and research outcomes with current children’s nursing practice. Concepts were developed through continuous exploration of emerging scientific fields and refined through a decade of teaching and learning alongside children’s nursing students, practitioners and educators from across Africa. The framework is designed to comprehensively address the major influences on regulatory function through an intentionally Afrocentric guide to children’s nursing care planning. This resource includes a poster and a document laying out the evidence supporting the framework.


This is a British Columbia created resource.BC Schools of Nursing Virtual Simulation Games (CC BY-NC-SA)

This resource is intended to be a series of interactive nursing training modules produced in collaboration between Selkirk College and College of the Rockies in British Columbia, Canada. While there is currently only one module available, more will be added later. Each module will contain learning preparation, background, a virtual simulation game consisting of videos embedded in an H5P activity, and a debrief. The first module is about post-operative care for a non-binary patient.

OpenRN Simulations for Nursing (CC BY)

A collection of online virtual simulations created in H5P. This simulations include a new born assessment, a patient with heart failure on a ventilator (see accompanying Teacher’s Guide), a clinic walk-in with chronic angina, a heart-failure patient in a LTC facility, a pediatric patient with asthma at a clinic, and an older adult patient receiving antimicrobial therapy in a hospital setting.


Clinical Nursing Skills (CC-BY)

Clinical Nursing Skills is designed to equip nursing students with the practical knowledge and hands-on skills necessary to provide comprehensive patient care. The material emphasizes the application of clinical judgment in a variety of settings, ensuring that students are prepared to deliver high-quality care across different patient populations and clinical scenarios. The content utilizes concepts promoting the development of clinical judgment by building upon the systematic model developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).

Clinical Nursing Skills provides detailed instructions on basic procedures such as hygiene, mobility, vital signs assessment, medication administration, and wound care. It also guides students through more complex skills, including intravenous therapy, catheterization, tracheostomy care, and emergency interventions. By integrating the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model, the material helps students recognize, analyze, prioritize, create, act, and evaluate outcomes in various clinical situations, fostering critical thinking and clinical decision making. By studying Clinical Nursing Skills, students will gain the confidence and competence needed to perform essential nursing tasks, make informed clinical decisions, and provide compassionate, patient-centered care, which will prepare students for success in their clinical rotations and future professional practice.

This is a Canadian created resourceDocumentation in Nursing: 1st Canadian edition (CC BY-NC)

This open access textbook is intended to guide best practices of documentation in the nursing profession. This resource is designed for students in undergraduate nursing programs, and addresses principles of documentation, legislation associated with documentation, methods and systems of documentation, and key trends in the future of documentation. Incorporated into this resource is legislation and practice standards specific to the province of Ontario, Canada.

This is a Canadian created resourceAn Introduction to Anti-Racism for the Nursing Professional: A Focus on Anti-Black Racism (CC BY-NC)

This textbook was created for undergraduate nursing students at the introductory level. Educators co-curated this OER in collaboration with students for students. This resource is a unique contribution to nursing education as content focuses on Anti-Black racism in the Canadian context.

Leading Change in Health Systems: Strategies for RN-BSN Students (CC BY)

This book is designed for practicing nurses pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This book is focused on building upon previous knowledge, skills and attitudes Registered Nurses (RNs) related to leadership in healthcare systems. Readers will be able to apply the theoretical knowledge gained from this course in their clinical practice environment.

This is a Canadian created resourceLeadership and Influencing Change in Nursing (CC BY)

Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing is designed for a single-semester introduction to the professional nurse’s leadership role as both a care provider and a formal leader. An assortment of authors with diverse nursing leadership roles across Saskatchewan and Canada have contributed to this textbook. These diverse voices are focused on providing student nurses with the foundational tools, techniques, and knowledge required to empower them to meet the leadership challenges found within the incessantly changing Canadian health care environment.

Maternal-Newborn Nursing (CC-BY)

Maternal-Newborn Nursing introduces students to the concepts and skills related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, newborn care, reproductive health, and social determinants related to those topics. Written and thoroughly reviewed by experienced nurse educators, the material focuses on patient safety, mental health, and inclusive care, and offers robust real-world scenarios and situational patient education experiences to apply concepts to practice.

Maternal-Newborn Nursing builds on the students’ existing knowledge and skills and expands their learning to new concepts and considerations. Students will be able to implement the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model to recognize, analyze, prioritize, create, act on, and evaluate outcomes throughout the many conditions presented across the life stages. The offering integrates core frameworks such as QSEN, and its robust sets of practice questions, unfolding case studies, and additional resources support the Next Generation NCLEX.

Nursing Assistant (CC BY)

This textbook is from Wisconsin Technical College and aligns with its Nursing Assistant program which prepares students for employment as nursing assistants as well as for entry to other health-related programs. This train prepares students for employment in nursing homes, hospitals, home health agencies, hospices, community based residential facilities, assisted living centers, and homes for the developmentally disabled.

Nursing Fundamentals (CC BY)

This textbook from OpenRN is developed for entry-level prelicensure nursing students. Content is based on the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) statewide nursing curriculum for the Nursing Fundamentals course (543-101), the 2019 NCLEX-RN Test Plan, the 2020 NCLEX-PN Test Plan, and the Wisconsin Nurse Practice Act.

Nursing: Mental Health and Community Concepts (CC BY)

In this book, mental health and community health concepts are discussed while emphasizing stress management techniques, healthy coping strategies, referrals to community resources, and other preventative interventions. Nursing care for individuals with specific mental health and substance use disorders is examined, and the nurse’s role in community health needs assessments and caring for vulnerable populations is introduced.

Nursing Pharmacology (CC BY)

This textbook from OpenRN is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students. It explains basic concepts of pharmacology and describes common medication classes. This book is not intended to be used as a drug reference book, but direct links are provided to DailyMed, which provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States.

Nursing Skills (CC BY-SA)

This textbook from OpenRN is developed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students. It describes techniques for obtaining a health history and performing a basic physical assessment using a body systems approach. It also includes evidence-based clinical skills with related mathematical calculations and conversions.

Nutrition for Nurses (CC-BY)

Nutrition for Nurses is structured to support the flexible integration of nutrition content across both system-based and nursing competency-based curricula. It can be used whether nutrition is taught as a standalone course or part of another nursing course. The table of contents for Nutrition for Nurses presents content in 20 chapters, organized into 9 thematic units.

The text emphasizes evidence-based practice and holistic assessment to facilitate the integration of nutritional awareness for pre-licensure nursing students in the provision of client-centered care. Nutrition for Nurses helps students develop sound clinical judgment as well as a deep understanding of the impact of nutrition on body systems across the lifespan.

Written and reviewed by highly experienced faculty, Nutrition for Nurses includes a detailed narrative, extensive features and learning resources, and ample student support. The presentation utilizes concepts promoting the development of clinical judgment by building upon the systematic model developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).

Open RN series (CC BY)

The OER Nursing textbooks are written based on the State Nursing curriculum established by the Wisconsin Technical College System. Upcoming books include

  • Nursing: Mental Health & Community Concepts
  • Nursing: Management & Professional Concepts

Pharmacology for Nurses (CC-BY)

Pharmacology for Nurses is intended for nursing students in an introductory program. It provides a fundamental understanding of the therapeutic use of drugs, so the nurse can provide safe and effective care to the client. Along with a discussion of each body system, the text also reviews the pathophysiology of various disease processes and medications used in treatment. The table of contents presents 40 chapter topics, organized into 11 units. The first unit, consisting of 3 chapters, provides a broad overview of pharmacology, with the following 10 units focused on specific body systems.

Pharmacology for Nurses helps students prepare for the licensing exam and their careers by offering applicable, real-life content in short, manageable sections. The material focuses on common client conditions that nurses will encounter throughout their career and embraces a skills orientation (what does a nurse do). The text presents information in a holistic manner that ties the disease process to its pharmacological treatment. As a result, Pharmacology for Nurses will give students the confidence to safely administer medications to clients, as well as provide medication education to clients and their caregivers.

Population Health for Nurses (CC-BY)

Population Health for Nurses prepares nurses to develop interventions, policies, and practices that promote health equity and improved health outcomes across the health care delivery continuum. The text emphasizes the social determinants of health and how nurses can plan and implement health promotion and disease prevention interventions. It takes a holistic perspective, connecting human health behavior to the dynamic, ongoing interactions of the person, social factors, and the physical environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age.

OpenStax Population Health for Nurses uses a logical, thematic organization that breaks down content into manageable chunks. It presents the material in 35 chapters, organized into 7 thematic units. The text defines and distinguishes among the interrelated nursing areas of population health, public health, and community health nursing, providing both historical context and up-to-date research to help students make connections across content that can inform practice. The result is a holistic approach that applies theoretical concepts to the practical assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation steps of client care and community-tailored interventions.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (CC-BY)

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing is designed to support a one-semester psychiatric-mental health nursing course offered at both two-year and four-year institutions. Serving students specializing in psychiatric nursing and those from other health disciplines, this learning resource integrates evidence-based practices with practical strategies for communication, readying students to build therapeutic relationships with patients and caregivers.

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing uses a logical, thematic organization that breaks content down into manageable sections. Each unit is designed to foster a deep understanding of the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of mental health. The content helps students make meaningful connections between various psychiatric conditions and the corresponding nursing approaches. By focusing on tailored psychiatric interventions and emphasizing patient-centered approaches, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate diverse mental health settings.

This is a British Columbia created resource. Toward a Moral Horizon: Nursing Ethics for Leadership and Practice – Third Edition (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

This third edition of Toward a Moral Horizon: Nursing Ethics for Leadership and Practice by Rosalie Starzomski, Janet L. Storch, and Patricia Rodney will assist nurses and all health care providers to take up the challenge of embedding ethics in health care practice, education, research, and policy at all levels—from local to regional to global. This is an Open textbook available through UVicSpace, the University of Victoria’s Institutional Repository. Published by ePublishing Services, UVic Libraries.


This is a British Columbia created resource.Nursing Skills Videos (CC BY)

This video series was produced by the British Columbia Institute of Technology BSN Program as part of the BCcampus Health OER project. The playlist includes:

Open RN Project videos (CC BY)

This channel contains OER media with a CC 4.0 license being used by the Open RN project. The Open RN project is funded by a $2.5 million dollar grant from the Department of Education to create 5 OER Nursing Textbooks with 25 associated Virtual Reality scenarios.

This is a British Columbia created resource.Personal Care – HCA videos (CC BY-NC)

These 11 videos were created by College of the Rockies and Selkirk College as part of BCcampus’s 2020 Open Education Foundation Grant for Institutions.


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