Book Title: Digging Deeper into Pressbooks Visual Design

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Book Description: Digging Deeper into Pressbooks is a resource containing appearance tips and technical solutions when using Pressbooks. At times when using the Pressbooks themes there may be particular visual elements that are not meeting the needs of the text. This resource is a space where UBC Library adds solutions to issues that have emerged during publishing projects. Additionally, this resource provides workarounds for some technical constraints in Pressbooks functionality.
Book Information
Book Description
Digging Deeper into Pressbooks is a resource containing appearance tips and technical solutions when using Pressbooks. At times when using the Pressbooks themes there may be particular visual elements that are not meeting the needs of the text. This resource is a space where UBC Library adds solutions to issues that have emerged during publishing projects. Additionally, this resource provides workarounds for some technical constraints in Pressbooks functionality. This resource will continue to grow as UBC Library continues to support faculty, student, and staff open text publishing projects.
Book Source
This book is a cloned version of UBC Library Pressbooks Template by Erin Fields and Amanda Grey, published using Pressbooks by University of British Columbia under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license. It may differ from the original.
Digging Deeper into Pressbooks Visual Design Copyright © 2023 by Erin Fields and Leila Malkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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