
Adding H5P from UBC’s H5P Hub

The Pressbooks H5P plugin allows you to embed interactive activities, quizzes and multimedia elements into your text to enhance user engagement.



To learn more about UBC H5P, review the following guides:


The UBC Open H5P Hub is a place where UBC community members can create, share, and access interactive content created using H5P technology. H5P created in the Open H5P Hub, however, can not be directly embedded in a Pressbooks chapter.  If you copy the paste code from the Hub into a Pressbooks chapter, the embed code will be stripped out and the H5P will not display.


To include H5P created in the Open H5P Hub into your text, you will have to first download if from the hub, and then upload it to Pressbooks.

  1. Locate the H5P activity you want to download in  the Open UBC Hub and click the Reuse button in the bottom left corner. Select Download as an .h5p file
  2. On the dashboard of your Pressbooks site, navigate to the H5P Content tab and select Add New.
  3. Instead of Create Content, select Upload and upload the .h5p file. you can now embed this H5P into your text using the Pressbooks H5P embed code.



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Digging Deeper into Pressbooks Visual Design Copyright © 2023 by Erin Fields and Leila Malkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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