

In this chapter, you will find Canadian guidelines for management of asthma (acute exacerbations and chronic control) in different patient populations.

Student Resources

Asthma One Pager


Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure
Purpose Assess severity of asthma exacerbation in pediatric patients (age 1-17).
Type of Resource Scoring tool and guidelines for treatment
Included Scoring table consists of 12 signs/symptoms commonly seen during an asthma exacerbation.
Interpretation of results:

  1. Mild: 0-3
  2. Moderate: 4-7
  3. Severe: 8-12
Student Bottom Line In pediatric patients presenting with a potential asthma exacerbation, use the PRAM scoring tool to determine severity of exacerbation and use the BC Children’s management pathway to determine what drug therapy to initiate.
Scoring Table | Guidelines


Purpose Recommended treatment options for asthma patients (in both inpatient and outpatient settings)
Type of Resource Guidelines
  1. Chapter 1: Asthma overview (includes definition and diagnosis)
  2. Chapter 2: Assessing a patient with asthma
  3. Chapter 3: Treating asthma symptoms
  4. Chapter 4: Treating exacerbations
  5. Chapter 5: Treatment in patients with asthma and COPD
  6. Chapter 6: Asthma in children under 5
  7. Chapter 7: Asthma prevention strategies
  8. Chapter 8: Healthcare system
Student Bottom Line Use this resource to determine the best treatment option for patients diagnosed with asthma. Aside from initial treatment recommendations, this is the preferred resource for step-up and step-down therapy in different patient populations, including children, adolescents, and adults.


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