

In this chapter, you will find treatment algorithms for the treatment of COVID-19 depending on the severity and the patient population. We have also provided tools to check and manage drug interactions with a variety of COVID-19 treatment options.

Student Resources

COVID 19 One Pager


BC COVID Therapeutics Committee Interaction Resource
Purpose Determine if interactions are present with patients’ current medications and prescribed COVID-19 therapy.
Type of Resource Interaction Checker
Included List of medications and potential interactions with Paxlovid (i.e., Nirmatrelvir/ Ritonavir)
Student Bottom Line When patients are starting on Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID-19, use this tool to determine if interactions are present.

*Ensure to cross reference with another interaction checker

Liverpool COVID-19 Interactions
Purpose Determine if interactions are present with patients current medications and prescribed COVID-19 therapy.
Type of Resource Interaction Checker
  1. Input patients current drug therapy and newly prescribed COVID-19 medication to determine if interaction is present
  2. Tool will determine what course of action to take before initiating COVID-19 therapy (continue, hold etc.)
Student Bottom Line When patients are starting on drug therapy for the treatment of COVID-19, use this tool to determine if interactions are present.

*Ensure to cross reference with another interaction checker



BCCDC Treatment of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients
Purpose Guide treatment recommendations for adult, non-pregnant patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the hospital setting.
Type of Resource Treatment algorithm (as per BC COVID-19 committee)
  1. Recommended drug therapy in mild, several and critical patients
  2. Dosing recommendations
  3. Detailed algorithm
Student Bottom Line If you have an adult, non pregnant patient admitted to hospital for COVID-19, use this algorithm to determine the best course of action for your patient depending on the severity of their symptoms.
BCCDC Treatment of COVID-19 in Pregnant Patients
Purpose Guide treatment recommendations for pregnant patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in both the inpatient and outpatient setting.
Type of Resource Treatment algorithm (as per BC COVID-19 committee)
  1. Recommended drug therapy in mild, severe and critical patients
  2. Evidence behind contraindicated medications
Student Bottom Line If you have a pregnant patient diagnosed with COVID-19, use this algorithm to determine the best course of action for your patient depending on the severity of their symptoms.


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