

In this chapter, you will find Canadian guidelines for the management of dyslipidemia and an article with recommendations on how to manage statin associated adverse drug events . We have also provided you with a scoring tool to determine if your patient requires statin therapy (in the absence of a statin indicated condition).

Student Resources

Dyslipidemia One Pager

Dyslipidemia Drug Table


Framingham Risk Calculator
Purpose Determine a patient’s 10 year risk of heart attack in patients without a statin indicated condition (primary prevention).
Type of Resource Scoring tool
Included Tool includes risk factors associated with CAD.

Interpretation of results:

  • <10%: Low risk (statin therapy not recommended)
  • 10-19%: Intermediate risk (statin therapy recommended if the following apply to your patient)
    • LDL 3.5mmol/L + OR
    • Men aged 50+ y/o or women aged 60+ y/o with ≥ 1 CV risk factor
      • CV risk factors: Low HDL-C, impaired fasting glucose, elevated waist circumference, cigarette smoking (current or within the last 5 years), hypertension
  • 20+%: High risk (statin therapy recommended)
Student Bottom Line In patients without a statin indicated condition, use this scoring tool to determine if your patient requires lipid lowering therapy for primary prevention.
UKPDS Cardiac Risk Calculator
Purpose Assess a diabetic patients 10 year risk of coronary heart disease.
Type of Resource Scoring tool
  1. Risk factors associated with CAD in diabetic patients
  2. Interpretation of results:
  • High Risk
    (Risk Score > 31)
    Probability of CHD: > 30%
  • Elevated Risk
    (Risk Score 18 – 31)
    Probability of CHD: 15% to 30%
  • Average Risk
    (Risk Score < 18)
    Probability of CHD: <15%
Student Bottom Line Prior to starting diabetic patients on statin therapy, use this scoring tool to determine your patients exact risk of CAD.
The Absolute CVD Risk/Benefit Calculator
Purpose Determine a 10 year risk of cardiovascular related events and relative benefit patients may receive from different drug and non drug intervention.
Type of Resource Risk and benefit calculator
  1. Relative benefit given a certain intervention
  2. Baseline risk of CV event
Student Bottom Line Use this tool to support and explain the benefit to certain pharmacological treatments for patients.


The Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Guidelines
Purpose Guide treatment recommendations for the management of dyslipidemia. Includes treatment guidelines specific to primary and secondary prevention.
Type of Resource Canadian guidelines
  1. How to screen for dyslipidemia in at risk patients
  2. Management of dyslipidemia for primary and secondary prevention
  3. Lipid targets (LDL, non-HDL)
  4. Up to date evidence on commonly asked questions
Student Bottom Line The recommended resource to guide treatment for patients with statin indicated conditions (secondary prevention) or those at high risk for CV events (primary prevention). For more details and information, the full guidelines are preferred.
VIEW RESOURCE (full guidelines)VIEW RESOURCE (pocket guidelines)
Prevention and Management of Statin Adverse Events
Purpose Determine how to manage a patient who is experiencing ADRs related to their statin therapy.
Type of Resource Article recommending an approach on how to manage patients experiencing myalgia.
  1. 6 step approach to determine the best course of action for your individual patient
  2. Algorithm with recommendations based on patient CK levels
  3. Case examples
Student Bottom Line If your patient is complaining of muscle pain secondary to statin therapy, we recommend following this 6 step approach to ensure you make the best recommendation possible for your patient. It is a straightforward and great system to incorporate into your everyday practice.


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