
5.1 Learning Goals

Erin Kelly; Sara Humphreys; Natalie Boldt; and Nancy Ami


You will understand why it is important to be able to write in what is seen as correct, clear, cohesive, and effective English in certain contexts.

There are many different ways to understand “correctness” and if you’ve read Chapter Three, you know that “correctness” is related to context. That is, sometimes, such as when you text a certain type of grammar is used. When you email your professor or manager (at work) another form of correctness comes into play. In this case, a good deal of academic writing requires a certain type of formality and style. This chapter gives you insight into this function.

You will develop strategies for familiarizing yourself with and following the rules for academic written English.

By “strategies,” we mean you will be given skill sets or tools that will enable you to use Academic English effectively. In this chapter you will learn the basic rules for academic writing, which are not as intimidating as you might think (really!). You will also learn when these rules can be bent and how they are changing (grammar is always evolving).

You will be able to make strategic choices about your writing style while keeping in mind its relevance to purpose and audience.

Once you have a grasp of what grammar is and the basic rules for Academic English, then you can start working on your writing style. By the time you reach this chapter, we hope you have a writing process; you understand the importance of your audience, purpose, and context when writing. Now you are ready to work on style, a key element for any writer.


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Why Write? A Guide for Students in Canada 2nd Edition Copyright © 2022 by Academic Writing Program, University of Victoria is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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