
Adult Literacy Fundamental English
Reading Outcomes

Level 1 – Reading
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. read a 1-page simple form with assistance
  2. read 5-7 sentence, life experience stories independently
  • read common symbols (e.g. &, $, #)
  • read 50-75 common sight words
  • read the alphabet, upper and lower case
  • read 50-75 personal sight words
  • articulate short and long vowel sounds, simple consonant blends (e.g. CVC, CVC + e, CVVC)
  • completing simple forms
  • identifying common abbreviations
  • answering literal questions about a life experience story
  • describing and dictating the sequence of events in a life experience story
  • identifying words from a list
  • identifying words in familiar text
  • exchanging ideas and viewpoints to build shared understanding and extend thinking


Level 2 – Reading
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. read and follow directions written in simple sentences using 2 formats (e.g. geographical, practical)
  2. read 5-7 sentence paragraphs containing familiar topics and vocabulary, and supported with visual clues (e.g. illustrations)
  • identify parts of speech and end punctuation in simple sentences
  • read 200-300 sight words
  • employ pre-reading skills to enhance understanding (e.g. KWL, prediction)
  • use context clues to find meaning
  • use phonics to decode words
  • physically demonstrating activities required by directions (e.g. on a map, in a simple recipe)
  • answering literal and inferential questions about a familiar topic
  • getting basic information from short, simple notes or letters
  • stating or writing opinions about a familiar topic
  • identifying characters, main ideas, events in a story


Level 3 – Reading
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. read 3-paragraph passages of familiar genres (e.g. descriptive and narrative) including unfamiliar vocabulary
  2. read 7-10 sentence paragraphs on unfamiliar topics including familiar or common vocabulary
  • identify main idea, details, characters, and sequence in short passages and paragraphs
  • identify and read synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms
  • use structural analysis (e.g. roots, affixes, syllabication, stress, compound words, contractions) to decode vocabulary
  • use pre-reading and reflection strategies to self-evaluate findings
  • summarizing short passages
  • answering comprehension questions based on text
  • using dictionary and thesaurus to find meaning
  • surveying text (titles, pictures, font size, underlined/bold/italic text)
  • noting words that are repeated
  • reading the first and last sentences of the passage
  • describing what was easy/ difficult about a reading passage.
  • identifying difficult passages or words
  • re-stating difficult sentences or passages in own words.
  • re-reading text to answer questions.
  • reading and following a more complicated recipe; answer questions about it; share with family
Level 4 – Reading
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. read 3-5 paragraph passages of familiar genres (e.g. concrete, factual) including abstract, specialised vocabulary
  2. read 3-paragraph passages of unfamiliar topic and genres (e.g. argument, opinion, inference including familiar vocabulary)
  • differentiate between fact and opinion
  • differentiate between likes, dislikes, and preferences
  • demonstrate strategies for learning and remembering words
  • use peer feedback and self-monitoring strategies to evaluate meanings and findings
  • draw inferences and conclusions
  • understand how quotation marks, semicolons, parentheses, and dashes affect meaning
  • responding to formal letters, brochures, newsletters
  • responding to factual and fictional stories
  • responding to articles in the newspaper or online news (e.g. letters to the Editor)
  • completing surveys or polls (online or paper-based) to state and rate likes, dislikes, dis/agreement, preferences
  • locating information using appropriate strategies (e.g. table of contents, glossary, headings, guiding words, menu)
  • developing an awareness of the protocols and ownership associated with First Peoples texts


Level 5 – Reading
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. read 5+ paragraph texts or short stories including figurative language and a full range of sentence structures
  2. read 3-5 paragraph non-fiction texts including unfamiliar topic and vocabulary
  • recognize different purposes for reading
  • detect tone, story and direct characterization
  • use self-monitoring techniques to assess comprehension
  • recognize cause and effect, comparison and contrast, bias and objectivity
  • writing alternative endings to short stories
  • writing a logical prequel to a story – imaging what came before.
  • writing own comprehension questions to demonstrate understanding
  • describing a character in own words
  • using a checklist to identify strategies used before, during and after reading
  • completing matching activities that link cause to effect, compare to contrast


Level 6 – Reading
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. read and discuss: non-fiction, 7+ paragraph texts (e.g. articles, chapters, webpages, transcripts) including abstract, conceptual or specialised vocabulary
  2. read and discuss: 7+ paragraph short stories; poems; songs (e.g. those including figurative language and implicit meaning)
  • separate relevant from non-relevant details
  • identify purpose, logic, validity
  • identify point of view, plot, main events, indirect characterization
  • use form and structure to inform understanding (e.g. rhymes, stanzas, haikus, limericks)
  • identify themes in poems, songs, fictional stories
  • critically discussing and responding to a variety of texts, genres and media
  • arguing for or against ideas in written or oral assignments
  • composing own lyrics, poems, creative work on an identified theme


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.