
Adult Literacy Fundamental English
Writing Outcomes

Level 1 – Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. fill in one-page simple forms with assistance
  2. write five sentences of three to four words, independently
  • print the alphabet (upper-and lower-case letters)
  • print or write own name, address and phone number
  • use capital letters on proper nouns
  • use capital letters for beginning a sentence
  • print or write CVC (consonant- verb-consonant) words and 50-75 sight words (words that students memorize and know by
    sight rather than sounding them out)
  • recognize and use end punctuation (i.e. period, question mark, exclamation mark)
  • completing sentences by adding in subject or verb
  • copying short sentences
  • giving sentence answers to questions with the answers using words and phrases in the question
  • dictating and copying experience stories


Level 2 – Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. write five complete simple sentences
  2. write two messages of one to three sentences (to a familiar audience)
  • participate in brainstorming to generate ideas for writing
  • use assigned vocabulary in sentence writing
  • use end punctuation
  • use capitals for proper nouns
  • write 75-100 sight words
  • write CVC words
  • write CVC words that end in silent e
  • writing sentences to answer who, what, when, where, why questions
  • writing phone messages, directions, emails, requests
  • writing an opinion about a familiar topic
  • writing an experience story of two to three sentences


Level 3 – Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. write five to seven complete simple and compound sentences
  2. write informal correspondence (i.e. personal letter, email) to a familiar audience
  • generate, organize and write ideas (i.e. use the writing process)
  • use assigned vocabulary in sentence writing
  • apply dictionary or thesaurus skills to develop new vocabulary
  • use end punctuation (period, exclamation point, question mark)
  • use common coordinators (i.e. comma + and, or, but)
  • identify subject and verb in sentences
  • use compound words, contractions, possessives, and plurals
  • use appropriate, simple verb tenses
  • write 100-150 sight words
  • apply appropriate affixes to modify familiar root words
  • writing sentences expressing opinions on news events
  • doing a paired writing exercise where students have an informal conversation on paper—no talking allowed
  • writing letters to family member, child’s teacher, friend
  • writing an email to instructor


Level 4 – Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. write paragraphs of five to eight sentences using familiar forms (i.e. narrative, process, descriptive, opinion)
  2. write formal correspondence to a specified audience
  • use paragraph structure: topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion, and transitional words and phrases
  • use paragraph format: title line, blank line, indentation, connected sentences, clear margins
  • demonstrate logical sequencing of sentences
  • write complex sentences using common subordinating conjunctions
  • write compound sentences using commas and FANBOYS
  • recognize and correct fragments and run-on sentences
  • use consistent verb tenses
  • use common regular and irregular past tense verbs
  • use subject/verb agreement
  • use standard pronoun reference and agreement
  • edit written work
  • spell common sight words and homonyms
  • use MLA format for headings, titles, and margins
  • writing a how-to paragraph (i.e. repairs, recipe)
  • going outside for a walk and writing a paragraph describing the surroundings
  • writing an opinion paragraph about a local issue after watching a news clip, reading an article about it, and discussing the issue
  • writing cover letters, emails, online applications
  • using editing rubrics


Level 5 – Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. write 8 – 10 sentence paragraphs using abstract forms (i.e. expository, summary, narrative, opinion)
  2. compose response writings that express personal feelings on an assigned topic including a rationale
  • recognize and use synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms
  • identify topic and main ideas after readings and discussions
  • apply spelling rules and strategies
  • use quotation marks, semicolons, and parentheses
  • use conjunctive adverbs
  • respond to selected material after reading, viewing, or listening by explanation of one’s personal viewpoint
  • summarizing a short reading passage
  • searching the local news outlets for community issues and writing an argument paragraph that is a call to action
  • producing reflective journals, poems, PowerPoint presentations, posters, blog posts, social media entries
  • writing a response paragraph after watching a movie


Level 6 – Writing
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to . . .
Skills (Cumulative)
In achieving this broader outcome, students will demonstrate that they can also . . .
Sample Practice Tasks
Students can develop/practice the skills needed to achieve this outcome by . . .
  1. write 8-10 sentence paragraphs using abstract and academic forms (i.e., persuasive argument, formal summary, cause and effect, compare or contrast, advantages or disadvantages)
  2. compose self-reflective writings that describe learning experiences
  • differentiate between subject and object pronouns
  • respond to self-identified learning experiences, concerns, and/or successes by using critical and future-oriented thinking
  • write concise, purposeful explanations
  • choose appropriate written register (i.e., colloquial or formal writing)
  • reading the student services webpages for the institution and summarizing one service (can later be linked to oral presentations)
  • summarizing an article
  • writing reflective journals, poems, PowerPoint presentations, posters, blog posts, social media entries
  • writing learner statements at the end of the semester to reflect on their learning process and acquired/application of skills


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.