
Adult Literacy Fundamental Level (ALF)

Goal Statement

Adult Basic Education at the Adult Literacy Fundamental (ALF) level is designed to provide reading, writing (ALFE), and mathematics skills (ALFM) along with associated skills and strategies for communication and learning. Both English and math have six designated levels that range, in English, from non-reading and –writing to readiness for the Intermediate ABE level and, in mathematics, from pre-numeracy to readiness for the Intermediate ABE level.

Areas defined within ALF are: English (Reading and Writing), Mathematics, and Skills and Strategies for Learning. Recommended computer skills are included within these areas. While Social Studies and Science are not delineated as discrete content areas, an integrated approach will incorporate such content. An integrated approach also assists learners to acquire a better understanding of themselves, their communities and their participation in Canadian society by using real-life materials, activities and experiences in their studies, which students then can apply in their daily lives. Desired results include improved self-confidence, self-reliance and self-evaluation. Students’ personal literacy goals should be reflected in the design of any ALF program. The topics listed with each skill are neither exhaustive nor exclusive.


Ability to speak and understand English.


Learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English and Math are illustrated in the following tables.


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.