Biology: Advanced Level
Core Topics
A. Cell Biology
- Identify the levels of biological organization
- Describe organic macromolecules and their monomers:
- Proteins
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Nucleic Acids
- Describe the cell theory
- Describe and compare major structures and their functions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
- Outline the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and explain their roles in living systems
- Explain cell division in terms of sexual and asexual reproduction
B. Evolution
- Cite evidence for evolutionary theory
- Explain the mechanisms of evolution
- Discuss the origin of life
C. Diversity of Life
- Demonstrate an understanding of classification
- Identify major taxonomic groups
- Identify structures and distinguishing characteristics and describe life processes for the following groups:
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Protists
- Fungi
- Plants – nonvascular and vascular
- Animals – invertebrates and vertebrates
D. Ecology
- Describe energy flow and nutrient cycles within ecosystems
- Characterize ecosystems and the interactions therein
- Describe ecological changes over time
- Define biosphere and characterize biomes
- Explore and analyze ecological issues, such as:
- Climate change
- Habitat destruction and/or restoration
- Biodiversity
- Species extinctions
- Environmental stewardship
The following topics may be included:
- Bioethics
- Ethnobotany
- Resource management
- Applied ecology
- Methods in ecology
- Behavioural ecology
- Genetics
- Parasitology
- Local topics
Laboratory Skills
All biology courses must include a minimum of seven dedicated laboratory and/or fieldwork activities, wherein biology learners will:
- Conduct lab and field procedures safely and ethically
- Demonstrate familiarity with common lab and field equipment and its use
- Demonstrate microscope skills
- Collect and record data effectively
- Analyze and interpret data collected
- Communicate results and conclusions