
Biology: Provincial Level

Human Biology:

Core Topics

A. Cell Biology
  • Explain the role of molecules, including water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids
  • Describe major structures and functions of cells and their components, including the basic mechanisms of
    • Gene expression
    • Membrane transport
    • DNA replication
  • Describe the role of enzymes and their importance to cellular processes.
  • Outline the processes of cellular respiration
  • Describe and compare mitosis and meiosis
B. Genetics
  • Describe the principles of inheritance
  • Solve basic genetics problems
  • Describe the role of DNA in heredity
  • Explore modern applications of genomics and biotechnology
C. Human Biology
  • Apply the concept of homeostasis
  • Demonstrate knowledge of integration of tissues, organs, and systems
  • Identify structures and describe functions of at least six of the following:
    • Skeleto-muscular system
    • Digestive system
    • Cardiovascular system
    • Blood and immunity
    • Respiratory system
    • Endocrine system
    • Nervous and sensory system
    • Excretory system
    • Reproductive system

The following topics may be included:

  • Bioethics
  • Cancer
  • Human development
  • Local topics
  • Nutrition
  • Photosynthesis
  • Public health issues
Laboratory Skills

All biology courses must include a minimum of seven dedicated laboratory and /or fieldwork activities, wherein biology learners will:

  • Write a formal lab report
  • Demonstrate familiarity with common lab and field equipment and its use
  • Conduct lab and field procedures safely and ethically
  • Demonstrate microscope skills
  • Collect and record data effectively
  • Analyze and interpret data collected
  • Communicate results and conclusions


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.