
Chemistry: Advanced Level

Core Topics
A. Measurement
  • Demonstrate the concepts of precision and accuracy and how they differ, utilizing significant figures
  • Perform calculations using scientific notation
  • Perform conversions with the SI system
B. Properties of Substances
  • Differentiate between the phases of matter
  • Identify chemical or physical properties of substances
  • Describe early atomic theory and related laws
C. Periodic Trends
  • Use the periodic table to determine atomic composition of isotopes
  • Use the periodic table to predict electron arrangement of chemical families in order to predict trends in ion charge, reactivity, ionization energy, electronegativity, atomic radii, and ionic radii
D. Atomic Structure
  • Analyze the historical development of atomic theory
  • Describe the Bohr and Wave Mechanical model of the atom and cite evidence for these models including absorption and emission spectra and their use in modern technology
E. Mole Concept
  • Define a mole and its significance
  • Perform calculations including molar and formula mass, mole to mass conversions, and percent composition by mass of compounds
F. Bonding
  • Define covalent and ionic bonding
  • Construct the formulas of compounds
  • Use electronegativity to predict bond types
  • Draw Lewis structures, predict molecular shapes, and determine polarity
G. Nomenclature
  • Write names for compounds given the formulae and write formulae for compounds given the names for the following types of compounds:
    • Covalent compounds
    • Ionic compounds
    • Compounds containing polyatomic ions
    • Compounds containing transition metals
    • Acids
H. Chemical Reactions
  • Balance equations
  • Classify and predict single and double replacement reactions, combustion reactions, and acid-base neutralizations
  • Classify synthesis, decomposition, exothermic and endothermic reactions
  • Perform stoichiometric calculations including mass-to-mass, limiting reagent, and percent yield
I. Solutions
  • Predict solubility and conductivity of polar and non-polar compounds
  • Define Arrhenius acids and bases
  • Relate the pH scale to acids and bases
  • Perform calculations involving dilutions
  • Perform stoichiometric calculations involving solutions including titrations
J. Organic Chemistry
  • Classify substances as organic
  • Differentiate the various types of bonding between carbon atoms
  • Write names and draw structures of hydrocarbons
  • Categorize organic compounds based on their functional groups

Options may include additional organic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, gas laws, and environmental ethics


Chemistry laboratories are an essential component of the study of chemistry.

During laboratories, students reinforce theory through practice. Laboratories develop skills in safety, procedures, techniques, data collection, analysis, and communication.

All chemistry courses must include a minimum of eight labs covering the core concepts, wherein chemistry learners will:

  • List the safety and protective equipment available in a laboratory setting
  • Demonstrate the appropriate procedures and techniques for dealing with particular hazards and hazardous materials
  • Follow instructions and procedures
  • Handle appropriate equipment for measuring mass, volume, and temperature
  • Prepare solutions
  • Perform titrations
  • Collect and record data effectively
  • Analyze and interpret data
  • Communicate results and conclusions


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.