
Computer Studies: Provincial Level – Computer Applications

Goal Statement

The goals for the Provincial Level Computing Studies are:

  • to develop problem solving/critical thinking skills utilizing computer application software as a tool. Towards this end, project work will be emphasized.
  • to build on computer software skills and outcomes as described by the learning outcomes of the advanced level computing studies.
Learning Outcomes

Because of the wide and ever expanding nature of computing applications, it is both impossible and undesirable to include all outcomes in a single course. A computing studies course at the provincial level will consist of a minimum of two from the following categories:


1. Current Technologies

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • search all facets of the web efficiently (text, images, videos) for material relevant to a specific inquiry
  • analyze websites critically for value, accuracy, potential malware, and bias
  • critically evaluate “crowd sourcing” sites as research tools, e.g. opinions on consumer products, travel, health issues, political issues
  • identify privacy & security issues related to social networking and an online presence
  • effectively communicate with email utilizing: address books, distribution lists, cc: and bcc: fields, attachments, effective subject lines, spam control
  • identify email examples of phishing and other online fraudulent activity
  • use folder (directory) management techniques for computer files, email, etc.
  • compare and contrast a variety of techniques, hardware and software that can be used to back-up computer data
  • describe the importance of operating system and driver patches, and the processes by which these patches are downloaded and installed
  • describe anti-virus and anti-malware software, virus and malware risks, scheduled scans and automatic updates
2. Publishing

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • organize and present a variety of text, graphic and other data following appropriate design and layout procedures
  • use templates, “wizards” and/or other productivity tools
  • merge documents and integrate tables, charts and graphics
  • describe the various file formats used for text, graphics and publication files
  • to change file formats where possible
  • create, modify, and manipulate digital graphic images (e.g. scan, draw, paint)
  • retrieve a graphic/animation/sound file
  • apply correct typographic principles involving font selection, point size, justification, kerning, bullets, and headers/footers
  • generate cross references, footnotes, indexes and tables of contents
3. Advanced Spreadsheets

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • enter, format, and edit data
  • use and write formulas
  • create and modify charts
  • create reports
  • manage and analyze data
  • create macros or use a programming language to customize a spreadsheet
  • design a spreadsheet to analyze, interpret, and project outcomes in an applied situation
4. Database Management

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • design and create flat file and relational databases
  • maintain and modify the structure of existing databases
  • correctly formulate queries
  • create and edit forms
  • create and edit reports
  • explain various social and ethical issues involving databases
5. Networking

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • state advantages and disadvantages of using networks
  • describe different network configurations (LAN, WAN, etc.)
  • describe and diagram different network topologies (point-to-point, star, bus, etc.)
  • describe the advantages and disadvantages of different network data transmission media (twisted pair, coaxial cable, optical fiber, and wireless)
  • list and describe common network operating systems and network protocols
  • describe various server models, including file servers and client/server systems
  • list Internet/intranet similarities and differences
  • describe management issues, including traffic analysis and security
6. Programming*

*A Note of Caution: The Programming option must not be considered as equivalent to or as a replacement for the Computer Science course articulated at the provincial level.

This option introduces the learner to programming fundamentals. The learner will write programs in a high level language that demonstrates output only and input-process-output operations. While the emphasis of the Computer Science course is software engineering, this option focuses primarily on the elements of programming.

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • test, debug, and modify program code
  • define data types and assign meaningful identifiers to constants and variables
  • use input statements to access the keyboard and use output statements to display text and graphics
  • use conditional expressions to alter program flow
  • use iteration structures to create loops
  • write simple procedures
  • write programs to demonstrate mathematical processing and simple character and graphic manipulations
7. Graphics

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • acquire images using a scanner
  • operate a digital camera and/or camcorder
  • describe important specifications of a digital camera, including megapixels, optical zoom and digital zoom
  • transfer digital pictures to a computer
  • change the resolution of a digital image
  • change the aspect ratio of a digital image
  • identify various graphic file formats and perform conversions from one type to another
  • crop, resize, and rotate a digital image
  • convert a colour image to a greyscale image
  • adjust brightness and contrast of a digital photograph
  • apply a variety of filter effects to a digital photograph
8. Online Technologies

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • develop an online electronic portfolio which contains projects that demonstrate proficiency with computer software
  • describe the concept of cloud computing, and utilize cloud-based applications such as: word processing, spreadsheets, online collaboration, photo-editing, online storage
  • utilize electronic means for time and calendar management, task (to do) lists, user ID management, notes and bookmark (favourite) synchronization
  • create and publish a blog entry, which includes text, pictures, and hyperlinks
  • add and update an entry on a wiki
  • create and publish an online video
  • describe software that can be used to remotely access another computer
  • describe the process for setting up a home wireless network, configuring encryption, and having computers connect to the network. Connect to wireless networks in other locations
  • describe the benefits of Bluetooth technology, examples of Bluetooth devices, and Bluetooth setup procedures
  • compare and contrast various mobile computing technologies
9. Web Publishing

It is expected that the learner will be able to:

  • create web pages using both a WYSIWYG editor and an HTML editor to present text, graphics and other data using appropriate design and layout
  • use fonts, font sizes, headings, justification and tables in a web page appropriately
  • recognize the various file formats used for text, graphics, sound, and animation
  • create, modify, and manipulate graphic images (e.g. resize, compress, crop, change format)
  • locate and retrieve files (graphics, animations, sounds) from the Internet
  • explain the implications of copyright copy-left (e.g. GNU GPL, Creative Commons, etc.)
  • create hyperlinks on text and graphics
  • create internal (relative) and external (absolute) hyperlinks in a web page
  • create a navigation scheme to move between web pages on a web site
  • use accessibility features (e.g. alt text)
  • use meta tags (e.g. description, keywords, title)
  • use JavaScript in web pages
  • use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • use templates, wizards, and other productivity tools in the creation of web pages
  • create an image map
10. Digital Art and Graphics

It is expected that the learner will be able to use software to:

  • create basic digital shapes
  • describe the difference between bitmap and vector images
  • select, move, and align objects
  • transform objects, including rotation, scaling, and reflecting
  • create and format graphic text
  • position text on a path
  • create colours and gradients
  • apply colours and gradients to text and other digital objects
  • draw straight and curved lines
  • trace a scanned object or digital photograph
  • create and manipulate layers


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.