
General and Applied Science: Intermediate Level

Learning Outcomes

The learner will be able to:

  • Understand and gain an appreciation for the methods by which scientific knowledge is obtained and organized, so that the learner can apply these methods of problem solving to everyday life.
  • Understand the fundamental concepts and terminology from the three primary branches of science: biology, chemistry, and physics. Some learners may also study other branches of science such as astronomy, earth science, or meteorology. The exposure to these subject areas should show the variation, diversity and similarities between all branches of science as well as illustrate the effects of science in the learner’s everyday life.
  • Understand the methodology of a controlled experiment, and the necessity of performing experiments in order to acquire scientific knowledge.

The course is not limited to units in biology, chemistry and physics, but may be expanded to suit individual or local needs. No time allotments have been suggested, but it is assumed that the average completion time for Intermediate Science will be similar to that for the same level subjects in English and Mathematics.

Generic Topic Outline
A. Introductory Science

This unit may be taught independently or incorporated throughout the remaining units.

  • Define science and its limits
  • Explain and use the scientific method
  • Demonstrate the skills and techniques of science (experimental design, use of tables, graphs and calculations)
  • Use appropriate instruments to make measurements
  • Solve problems using SI units
  • Relate Science and Technology to our modern world
B. Human Biology

Explain the importance of and inter-dependence between biological systems as covered in one of the following units:

  • Nutrition
    • Describe the energy needs of the body
    • Identify nutrients needed by the body
    • Plan a healthy diet
    • Identify special foods and diets
    • Describe worldwide food needs
  • Human Biology
    • Identify the parts of the skeletal and muscular systems
    • Explain the function of blood and trace its circulation
    • Identify the parts and functions of the respiratory system
    • Describe the digestive system and the function of the digestive organs
    • Identify the parts of the nervous system (This topic may be substituted for one of the above: identify and explain the reproductive system)
  • The Cell
    • Identify the parts of the microscope and demonstrate its use.
    • Explain the theory, structure and function of the cell
    • Describe cellular processes
    • Define cell division
    • Diagram cell organization
C. Chemistry
  • Atomic Theory
    • To acquire a general understanding of the structure of matter and the organization of the Periodic Table
    • Describe the different states of matter
    • Describe how matter is organized into elements, compounds and mixtures
    • Identify the subatomic components of atoms
    • Use the periodic table to determine the properties of elements and their characteristic behaviours
    • Describe the organization of the periodic table
    • Categorize compounds as ionic or covalent
    • Name a simple compounds from its formula
    • Write the formula for a simple compound
D. Physics

Do one of the following:

  1. Machines
    • Define force and work
    • Apply the concept of work to simple machines to solve quantitative problems
    • Solve problems involving simple machines, levers, inclined planes, wedges, pulleys, wheels and axles
    • Solve problems involving other machines: gears, pulley systems, hydraulic systems
  2.  Energy
    • Define basic concepts: force, work, energy, conservation law, power
    • Distinguish between forms of energy
    • Solve quantitative problems involving thermal energy
    • Solve quantitative problems involving electrical energy
    • Solve quantitative problems involving conservation of energy
  3. Electrical Circuits
    • Distinguish between AC and DC circuits
    • Choose and use appropriate instruments to measure voltage and current
    • Solve quantitative problems involving Ohm’s Law
    • Solve quantitative problems involving circuits
    • Explain the use of switches, fuses, and other components of an electrical circuit
    • Demonstrate appropriate safety precautions
  4. Motion in one dimension
    • Identify scalar and vector quantities
    • Distinguish between distance and displacement
    • Interpret graphs of non-accelerated motion
    • Solve quantitative problems involving velocity
E. The fifth unit

May be chosen from the above or from other topics such as:

  • Astronomy
  • Chemistry
    • Categorize compounds as ionic or covalent.
    • Name a simple compound from its formula.
    • Write the formula for a simple compound.
  • Disease
  • Drugs
  • Earth science
  • Environmental issues
  • Ethnobotany
  • Indigenous land use practices
  • Meteorology
  • Traditional ecological knowledge
Lab Requirements

All Intermediate General Science courses must include experiment and/or field time of at least 10% of the total time. Experiment and/or field exercises should be relevant to the selected units and emphasize those techniques and skills appropriate for this level of course. A minimum of 1 lab or activity from each of topics A, B, C, and D must be included.


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.