Physics: Provincial Level

Core Topics
A. Measurement & Mathematics Skills
  • Review problems involving SI units, significant figures and uncertainties in measurement.
  • Resolve, add and subtract vectors using trigonometry
B. Kinematics in Two Dimensions
  • Use the language and concepts of kinematics to describe motion in two dimensions
  • Analyze and solve kinematics in two dimensions
C. Dynamics in Two Dimensions
  • Use the language and concepts of dynamics to describe forces, energy and momentum
  • Analyze and solve dynamics in two dimensions using free body diagrams:
    • Newton’s Laws
    • Torque, Translational and Rotational Equilibrium
    • Momentum
    • Energy Conservation
    • Uniform circular motion
D. Electrostatics
  • Use the language and concepts of physics to describe electrostatic phenomena
  • Analyze and solve electrostatic forces and electric fields in two dimensions
  • Analyze and solve electric potential and electric potential energy
E. Electromagnetism
  • Use the language and concepts of physics to describe electromagnetic phenomena
  • Analyze and solve problems involving magnetic forces and magnetic fields in two dimensions
  • Analyze and solve problems involving electromagnetic induction; includes Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law
  • Describe devices that operate using electromagnetic induction

The following topics may be useful to students going on to further physics courses:

  • AC circuits
  • Astronomy
  • Electronics
  • Fluids
  • Kirchhoff’s laws
  • Nuclear physics
  • Quantum physics
  • Relativity

There should be one laboratory from each topic and a minimum of seven laboratories. Laboratory skills must include:

  • Collecting data through observation:
    • Record a measurement to the appropriate level of precision
    • Recognize that all measured values have an uncertainty
  • Constructing graphs:
    • Choose appropriate scales
    • Determine line of best fit
    • Label correctly
  • Drawing conclusions from observations and data:
    • Identify and discuss sources of error
    • Calculate and interpret the slope of a line
    • Relate conclusion to objectives
  • Calculating experimental error:
    • Determine % error and % difference where appropriate
  • Writing formal laboratory reports
  • Participate in experimental design


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.