
The BC Adult Graduation Diploma: “The Adult Dogwood”

An adult high school diploma is the British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD), also known as the “Adult Dogwood.” It is for adult learners (18 years of age and older) who want to take courses in order to complete high school and obtain their adult high school diploma. Courses can be taken at school district continuing education centres and/or at one of the public post-secondary institutions that delivers Adult Education programs across the province.

Requirements for the British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood):


Qualifying Courses



Qualifying Courses

A Provincial Level English or higher


English Studies or English First Peoples 12

4 credits

An Advanced or Provincial Level or higher Mathematics*


A Mathematics 11 or 12

4 credits

Three additional courses at the Provincial Level or higher


Advanced Social Sciences and two Provincial level courses or higher




Three Grade 12 Ministry-authorized Courses
(4 credits each)


Social Studies 11 (4 credits) and two Grade 12 Ministry-authorized Courses
(4 credits each)

12 credits




12 credits

Total: 5 courses

Total: 20 credits 

* A student is able to take and obtain credit towards the BCAGD for both Advanced level and Provincial level (or higher) Mathematics. In the latter case, Mathematics would be one of the electives.


  • To be eligible for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD), a person must be 18 years or older.
  • Courses and credits can be counted from either or both the public secondary and post- secondary systems
  • Of the five courses required for the Adult Dogwood, at least three must be completed after the adult student has entered the Adult Graduation Program, either through enrolment (instruction) or Prior Learning Assessment. This means that students can receive credit toward the Adult Dogwood for no more than two qualifying courses completed while in the B.C. (school-aged) Graduation Program. You cannot receive an Adult Dogwood using only courses completed prior to enrolling in the Adult Graduation Program.
  • Adult learners are not required to complete the Graduation Numeracy or Literacy Assessments to graduate with the Adult Dogwood. At the same time, adult learners should be aware that some post-secondary institutions may require that students write assessments/examinations for admission purposes.
  • Accounting 11 or a college course equivalent to Accounting 11 can be used for the Mathematics 11 credit for the BCAGD.


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.