The Goals of ABE Articulation

The goals of ABE articulation are:

  1. to facilitate the transfer of students from one educational institution to another;
  2. to facilitate entry of students into further education programs;
  3. to lend credibility to the ABE Certificates/Diplomas for students seeking employment or further education;
  4. to provide a common terminology throughout the province for levels of achievement;
  5. to provide for exchange of information;
  6. to set and maintain learning outcomes which respect the autonomy of colleges and institutes to create equivalent course content;
  7. to set course requirements for diplomas and certificates;
  8. to assist, through working committees, in the development of guidelines for the content of courses identified for different levels of certification;
  9. to provide a forum for the discussion of ABE issues;
  10. to provide a common voice when addressing external bodies;
  11. to encourage development and exchange of curriculum materials.


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.