
Work Experience (WE): Provincial Level

Goal Statement

Work Experience recognizes that many adults have gained significant workplace skills and knowledge. This course is intended, in part, to provide students who already have a minimum of 270 hours of paid and/or volunteer work with a framework to recognize and reflect on the work experience. The course includes opportunities to demonstrate knowledge of occupational health and safety, effective communication, and workplace ethics, as well as mastery of technical and applied skills, knowledge, and attitude for success in the workplace. It is recognized as a provincial-level elective toward the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Occupational Health and Safety

Students will:

  • apply hazard recognition and injury prevention skills
  • demonstrate knowledge and practice of basic workplace incident and accident response procedures and protocols
  • demonstrate knowledge and practice of Worksafe BC’s workplace health and safety rights and responsibilities
  • analyze hazards or potential hazards in an occupation or industry sector related to a work experience placement (e.g. restaurant industry, construction industry)
  • demonstrate knowledge of workplace harassment and discrimination prevention policies
2. Workplace Application

Students will:

  • self-identify and describe the type of work done while on work experience
  • demonstrate use of employability skills* while on work experience
  • exemplify a positive work ethic and meet performance standards of the workplace
  • act upon a workplace problem
  • express and defend transferable skills acquired from school courses, community participation or workplace experience (ex. accounting, applied math, carpentry, mechanics, video production, cooking, writing, computer skills, presentation skills)

*Employability Skills as defined by the Conference Board of Canada

3. Work Training and Experience

Students will:

  • demonstrate appropriate work habits
  • gain exposure to work or training situations
  • gather information about vocational choices
  • demonstrate interpersonal skills with coworkers and supervisors
  • explore and/or participate in required industry training certificates


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A Guide to Upgrading in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions Copyright © 2023 by Shantel Ivits and Stephanie Boychuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.