Book Title: Active Learning for Real-World Inquiry

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Book Description: Active Learning for Real-World Inquiry serves as a compendium of active learning approaches to teaching research concepts, methods, and applications in both face-to-face and online learning environments.We invited faculty members from a range of disciplines and areas of practice in the social sciences to contribute activities they have used to help students envision or directly experience the process of conducting research in applied organizational settings or other social settings. As a result, this book brings together a collection of instructor-generated and time-tested active learning and teaching strategies to use in research methods courses in the social sciences. The concepts and activities presented by the chapter authors should be useful for instructors of research methods courses as they continue to hone their own instructional approaches. The activities should also be helpful to both undergraduate and graduate students who are preparing to do research in applied organizational settings or other social settings.
Book Information
Active Learning for Real-World Inquiry Copyright © 2023 by Doug Hamilton; Richard Kool; and Elizabeth Childs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.