
Overview of the Assignment

This assignment has two individual components and one group component. It is intended to give learners the optimal opportunity to engage with the content and use their diverse skillset to complete the work. It will allow learners to use their critical thinking and analysis via the written components, while also offering the chance to practice their presentation and interdisciplinary skills through the collaborative group component. Please note the following are suggestions for how you may integrate this into your course.

Students can be divided into groups of 4 – 5 members. Each student will then be assigned any one of the following reflective questions within their teams.

Reflective Questions

  1. Why is the protection of forests important? Consider the roles of forests and in what ways these are being disrupted by anthropogenic activities.
  2. The BC Government states that “wildfire prevention is everyone’s responsibility” – how do you think this applies at the micro level? Consider socio-cultural factors that may influence the public’s perception of how to respond to wildfire events.
  3. What public health measures should be in place during a wildfire season? Consider how these measures would differ in a rural/remote vs. urban setting.
  4. What are some essential post-wildfire supports/tools for impacted individuals/communities? Provide one example of how your selected support/tool can enhance individual health and well-being.
  5. Why is it important to ensure Indigenous peoples are involved at all levels of planning when addressing wildfire preparedness? Consider what you have learned about Indigenous sovereignty and how this applies to this context.


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Understanding Wildfires Copyright © 2023 by Raluca Radu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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