

While the diversity of issues with which natural forest managers need to grapple expands rapidly, a strong foundation in ecology and silviculture is still needed. This course represents an attempt to strengthen this foundation in such a way that those entrusted with the management of natural forest, particularly in the tropics, can more effectively execute their duties.  While the concentration is on broad fundamental issues, textboxes are used to provide specific examples and to deeper analyses.  Although citations of some of the most relevant literature are provided at the end of each chapter, the book does not pretend to be a comprehensive review of the vast field of tropical forestry.

The target audience for this course is tropical foresters in the broadest sense of this designation. It is for those who want to learn more about the impacts (intended and otherwise) of silvicultural treatments and other management interventions.  The philosophy underlying the text is that knowledge about the ecological consequences and financial costs of different activities is a prerequisite for their proper design and implementation.  Gone are the days when “off the shelf” management systems could in good conscience be applied across a landscape without modification. Instead, the conditions in each stand designated for management need to be considered, the silvicultural and social constraints and opportunities weighed, and the economic and environmental costs and benefits evaluated.

If properly managed, tropical forests can contribute a great deal towards improving social welfare while at the same time protecting biodiversity and maintaining the ecosystem services upon which we all depend.  The more we understand about how tropical forests function, the more likely it will be that our management will help us to approach the elusive goal of sustainability. It is with a desire to contribute to this understanding for the welfare of our own and other species that this book was written.


FODE 014 e-Notebook Copyright © by Francis E Putz. All Rights Reserved.