
Module 4: Tropical Forest Plant Growth Forms as Related to Natural Forest Management

  • Describe growth forms of tropical forest plants.
  • Outline processes of regeneration from flowering to seedling establishment.
  • Discuss plant growth requirements and how resource availability is measured.
  • Discuss how tree growth rates are measured and reported.

Although the primary objective of many forest managers is to maximize the sustainable production of commercial timber, a variety of plant growth forms are important as non-timber forest products (NTFPs), as food sources for wildlife, as weeds, and for a diversity of other reasons.  The first portion of this chapter is therefore dedicated to describing the biology of trees and plants of different growth forms.  Later sections deal with other topics related to the ecological characteristics of trees and other tropical forest plants.

Topic 4.1: Trees

Topic 4.2: Shrubs

Topic 4.3: Vines and Lianas, Or Climbers

Topic 4.4: Epiphytes and Hemiepiphytes

Topic 4.5: Palms

Topic 4.6: Grasses and other Graminoids

Topic 4.7: Forbs (=Broadleaved Herbs)


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