
Module 8: Harvest and Transport of Forest Products

Forest product harvesting can be an integral part of a forest management program or represent little more than mining of forest products with little regard for their potential for regeneration or for protecting ecosystem processes.  To use harvesting as a component of forest management, it helps to understand the options.  In this chapter the major steps of forest product harvesting from the forest to the mill are outlined, with emphasis on timber.  For each step in the harvesting process, from felling to processing, a range of methods is presented, starting with the most rudimentary and ending with technologically sophisticated methods.  Scheduling of forest harvesting operations is also considered.  Because roads are so expensive and environmentally disruptive, considerable attention is given to basic elements of good road design and construction.

Topic 8.1: Tree Felling Tools and Techniques

Topic 8.2: Timber Yarding

Topic 8.3: Harvesting Schedules

Topic 8.4: Haul Roads and Log Landings

Topic 8.5: Forest Product Protection


FODE 014 e-Notebook Copyright © by Francis E Putz. All Rights Reserved.