
Module 9: Ecological Effects of Timber Harvesting

Felling, yarding, and hauling of timber unavoidably cause substantial changes in residual stands.  The amounts and types of damage vary with harvesting intensity and techniques, as do the rates and modes of recovery.  Logging operations were briefly described in the previous chapter, with some emphasis on their variability. In this chapter the impacts of logging on abiotic environmental conditions are described along with plant responses to the modified conditions.  Patterns of regeneration are then discussed, including population-level impacts, weed proliferation, and the increased susceptibility of logged forests to fires.

Topic 9.1: Collateral Damage to Trees and Their Responses

Topic 9.2: Changes in Above-Ground Forest Structure

Topic 9.3: Effects on Soils and Belowground

Topic 9.4: Effects of Logging on Rates of Forest Recovery


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