Learning to Live Responsibly and Independently

While you are at JIBC, we are committed to regular and timely communication with you about your program and any other matters that support your success. As members of the JIBC community, students can expect to be treated fairly and with respect, and to be able to study and learn in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. Students also assume responsibility for their behaviour and academic progress. JIBC’s expectations for student behaviour and protections for students’ rights are set out in a series of policies and procedures. It is your responsibility as a student to review and understand these policies, and to ask for information and assistance when you need it. All members of our community are required to abide by the following policies both in spirit and in action at all times. The descriptions that follow are summaries of the policies.

Please note: Policies are periodically reviewed and updated. To ensure that you are familiar with the most updated version, please check the Policies page on the JIBC website.

My JIBC Portal log-in instructions

The myJIBC Portal is where you can:

Log-in Instructions

  1. Open an internet browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
  2. Type in the URL address: www.myjibc.ca
  3. Enter your JIBC student number.   The number begins with a lower case ‘j’ followed by 7 digits, such as j1234567.
  4. Use the temporary password that you received via email to access your account.  If you have not received a password, please follow the Password reset instructions.
  5. Once you are logged into your myJIBC portal, under SELF-SERVICE MENU, click on WEBADVISOR FOR STUDENTS.
  6. Click on USER ACCOUNT.
  7. Click on CHANGE PASSWORD. You will be required to enter your temporary password into the old password field. Proceed with setting a password that will be more familiar to you.
  8. Once logged into the MYJIBC portal, you will be able to access your financial information, class schedule, etc.

Password Reset Instructions

  1. From the myjibc.ca log-in page, click on re-set your password near the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter your JIBC student number and the email address associated with your record at JIBC. Your password can only be reset using this email address.
  3. An email will be sent to you with a new temporary password.
  4. Using the new temporary password, log into your account as per the log-in instructions.
  5. Should you not receive a temporary password, do not know your student number, or have a different email address, please contact the Student Services office via telephone.

Student Services Office Hours


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

8:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.


9:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Phone: 604.528.5590

Toll-free from within Canada: 1.877.528.5591 (Toll-Free, North America Only)

Email: register@jibc.ca

Important Dates at JIBC

Important dates can be statutory holidays, convocation dates, or when the JIBC is closed over the holiday break in December. For a complete list of important dates throughout the year, review the JIBC Academic Calendar. Note: Other important dates like examinations and assignment due dates are given by instructors.

Suggestions for Mature Students

Whether you are returning to school to upgrade or starting a new career, the mature student faces unique challenges. The following suggestions are provided for your consideration.

Academic Skills

How do you learn best? Are you an auditory or visual learner?  Perhaps reading and writing work better for you, or you learn best through experiential, hands on methods.

What are your study methods? If you need to review study tips, time management, or test preparation skills, these resources are available to you through Student Services.

Remember to pace yourself. If you feel overwhelmed, speak with your instructor or contact Student Services: https://www.jibc.ca/student-service

Juggling Roles

  • Be flexible. Recognize that you may have to let go of some of your responsibilities because of your current role as a student. Think about delegating.
  • Prioritize. Review your personal, social, academic and employment commitments and revise as necessary.
  • Try to lead a balanced life. Proper nutrition, sleep, and regular exercise enhance learning and help manage stress.
  • If you start to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, ask for help. The Student Advising department offers free, confidential personal, career and academic counseling. The earlier you seek support, the better.
  • Focus on one task or role at a time. This will help enhance your concentration and improve your time management and effectiveness.
  • Balance Family and Social Relationships. Inform family and friends about your course demands. Ask for their support and understanding. Remember to set aside time for family, friends and relaxation.

Relating to Other Students

Seek out like-minded people who share your values and your desire to learn. These qualities transcend age, cultural, and experiential differences.

Speak with other mature students to share challenges and strategies.

Take advantage of the opportunities to network and develop professional relationships.

Be patient with yourself and your learning experience. It may take you a couple of courses before you adjust and meet your performance expectations. Enjoy the satisfaction of professional development. Being in school is an accomplishment. Congratulate yourself.

Support From Instructors/Faculty

Instructors are here to teach you and support your learning. Many have had experience in your field, and can relate to juggling family, work and school. Instructors want you to succeed and need to know if you have questions, difficulties or concerns. Ask for help when you need it.

Online Learning Support

Research and experience has proven that when students are well prepared for their online course, they are much more successful at achieving desired results. Online learning is a great option for students who require flexibility because of work schedules or other daytime classes. However, along with the freedom it offers, there are some challenges to overcome. To participate in an online course, you must be technically and mentally prepared.

Getting Started

Before taking an online course, you should check your browser. If you have never taken an online course before and want to see how suitable it will be for you, review some of the tips we provide on our website. We use Blackboard as our Learning Management System. To learn more about Blackboard check Blackboard Help for Students.


The term “smoking” as used in this document is deemed to include, without limitation: smoking cigarettes, cigarillos, and cigars; smoking using pipes, hookahs, shishas, and other smoking devices, including but not limited to the use of electronic cigarettes, for example vaporizers. You must be 19 years old to smoke and buy tobacco in BC. There are strict rules regarding its usage. You may not smoke within 5 meters of a public space and it is illegal to give tobacco to anyone under the age of 19 years. When at the JIBC, you may only smoke in the designated smoking area (at the New Westminster Campus in the covered area outside at the west end of the building pasted the cafeteria) and never inside or near a building.

Use of Alcohol and Cannabis on JIBC Campuses

While on campus at JIBC, it is essential that you understand that the consumption and use of alcohol and/or cannabis is not allowed, regardless of your age. Additionally, students are not permitted to attend class while impaired by alcohol, cannabis, or any other drugs. The laws of British Columbia prohibit the consumption and purchase of alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco by anyone under the age of 19. In addition, the distribution of alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco to anyone under this age is a serious offence.  For full details, refer to the Student Code of Conduct Policy.

Behaviours that Harm or Endanger Others

At JIBC, we are committed to a safe and respectful experience, free from harassment for every individual. Students who use physical force towards others, who become involved in theft, hazing, bullying, other anti-social behavior, or who act willfully in a way that endangers the health and safety of others, may be dismissed from the JIBC. The policy and procedures for dealing with incidents of drug and alcohol use, sexual violence and harassment, and anti-social behavior are outlined in the following JIBC policies: Student Code of Conduct, Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Equity and Diversity.


In the event of an incident, you are encouraged to notify an adult you trust as soon as possible so that you can receive support and the JIBC can activate our protocols to ensure the incident is handled appropriately.

Academic Honesty

It is required that assignments are completed to the best of your ability and by the set deadlines. The JIBC recognizes the importance of intellectual property. As such, it is a serious offence to cheat, collude or plagiarize. The policy that outlines our expectations for academic honesty is Student Academic Integrity.

Acceptable Use of Information and Educational Technology

JIBC has policy, standards, and expectations for the acceptable use of information and educational technology. A violation of this policy may include loss of access to information technology resources. In more serious cases, violations may result in dismissal from the JIBC. Please note that the JIBC provides access to computers and the internet but you are encouraged to have your own laptop.



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This work (International Student Handbook by JIBC Office of International Affairs) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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