Book Title: Digital Meijis
Subtitle: Revisualizing Modern Japanese History at 150
Book Description: Digital Meijis: Re-visualising Modern Japanese History at 150 is a curated and edited collection on the Meiji Period. By pairing digitized materials and documents with historical narrative and interpretive analysis, the “visual essays” contained within encourage readers to review and rethink modern Japanese history through images.
Book Information
Book Description
Digital Meijis: Re-visualising Modern Japanese History at 150 grew out of one aspect of this larger project, the Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource. Curated and edited by Tristan Grunow and Naoko Kato, the Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource and this companion volume were designed to present and widely disseminate research on the Meiji Period in a public format designed for easy adoption in the Japanese studies classroom. By pairing digitized materials and documents with historical narrative and interpretive analysis, the “visual essays” contained within encourage readers to review and rethink modern Japanese history through images.
Digital Meijis Copyright © 2019 by The authors and editors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.