
Orientation and Awareness Campaigns Forum – Notes

7 Let’s Get Consensual – University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS)

  • Target audience is students.
  • A campaign run by the UVSS, the student union that represents all 19 000 undergraduate students at UVic:
    • Let’s Get Consensual is the UVSS’ longest-running campaign, coordinated by the elected UVSS Director of Campaigns and Community Relations, and the Anti-Violence Project, UVic’s on-campus sexual assault centre.
    • Campaign is hosted on several campuses across BC.
  • Sex-positive campaign that promotes practicing consent and combating rape culture.
  • Focus on prevention, intervention and consent. Its values are engaging peer-to-peer, realistic, non-shaming, sex positive, supporting survivors, and preventing sexualized violence.
  • Emphasized every year during UVic’s annual Sexualized Violence Awareness Week, orientation, and at other events throughout the year, specifically in September (when rates of sexualized violence spike), and February around Valentine’s Day.
  • The UVSS runs several print and social media campaigns, employing various outreach tactics, social media, and pledging initiatives.
  • Organizes “train the trainer” events for other student-run programs in B.C. (peer-to-peer training on how to execute the campaign and mandatory consent training).
  • Goals for 2019: rebranding, performing more consultation (especially with male-identified folks, Indigenous students), digitizing campaign materials, and diversifying campaign tactics.

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