
The Moving Forward Together: Building Capacity to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Violence on Campus Forum was held June 4-5, 2019 at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Richmond.

All 25 public post-secondary institutions in B.C. were invited to attend, as were student associations, unions representing faculty and staff at the institutions, community organizations and a number of other B.C. provincial ministries.

The idea for the Forum arose originally through a public outreach campaign conducted in winter 2017/18, asking for feedback on the implementation of institutional sexual violence and misconduct policies mandated in the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act, passed in May 2016. The idea was further supported by a sector working group formed to provide advice to the Ministry on initiatives to support the sector in this work.  The purpose of the Forum was to bring together the public post-secondary sector in B.C. to provide and share information on this difficult topic, and to inform actions that the Ministry could take to support institutions in their efforts to raise awareness and to prevent and address sexual violence on campus.

Some sessions were recorded and are made available here to support ongoing knowledge sharing and system-wide capacity building.

The presentations and comments made during the breakout sessions reflect the views of the individuals involved and should not be taken as representing the perspectives or position of the B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training.


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