Book Title: Facilitating online learning with the 5R’s
Subtitle: Embedding Indigenous pedagogy into the online space

Book Information
Book Description
This project is a collection of resources for educators and instructors within the K-12 and post-secondary systems to support the adoption of Indigenous pedagogies in online learning environments. The 5R’s of Indigenous pedagogy are relationship, respect, relevance, responsibility, and reciprocity. These 5R’s serve as important reminders for course designers in K-12 and post-secondary educators and benefit all learners. Our resources and reflections address how the 5R’s of Indigenous education and research can be used as best practice to enrich online teaching platforms and remote learning. The positive effect of reciprocal communication, relationship building, and embracing Indigenous knowledge pedagogies in online learning environments extends out into the community and beyond.
Facilitating online learning with the 5R's Copyright © 2021 by Joanna Lake and Hayley Atkins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Open learning, distance education