
About the project

In 2020-21, the members of the Academic Integrity (AI) Working Group (2020-21) at UBC’s Okanagan campus, made three important recommendations and two of those were – “training and education” of students (faculty and administrators) to strengthen the culture of AI; and develop “curriculum and teaching technologies” to identify and implement best practices in AI for academic purposes.

To respond to these recommendations, this project was proposed for the Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations (ALT-2040) Fund at UBC to generate undergraduate student-focused teaching and learning materials to support classroom discussion on academic integrity. The project was awarded ALT-2040 fund in 2022 in the Open Educational Resources Stream.

The importance of developing such an open educational resource (OER) was also recognized at the 2021 BC Academic Integrity Week, where researchers underlined the importance of classroom conversations on AI, intervention strategies that would help students understand the disciplinary expectations, and promote learning transfer. This project, an edited collection, bridges the gap between research in academic integrity and classroom practice by offering:

  1. Discipline specific perspectives,
  2. Theoretical concepts articulated for undergraduate readership, and
  3. Learning tips, activities and discussion items to facilitate instruction on academic integrity.

The edited collection can be viewed as a toolkit that will create discipline specific “meaningful, contextualized learning materials” and develop approaches or resources to present academic integrity as an accessible concept to improve student outcomes and experience. This OER can be used as a valuable addition to a university’s welcome package that informs new students about the post-secondary learning experience. It can be used as a reference for classroom discussion on academic integrity.

This OER is not a closed book and if you see other academic integrity concepts that fit the premise of this resource, email Anita.chaudhuri@ubc.ca.

Anita Chaudhuri

University of British Columbia, Canada


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Discipline-based Approaches to Academic Integrity Copyright © 2024 by Anita Chaudhuri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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