
Case Study #5: Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC)

Learning Objectives

Case 5 describes a patient’s experience with a motor vehicle collision (MVC) and the resulting trauma. The patient is a young male who fell asleep while driving, resulting in head injury. His girlfriend was the passenger and her status is intentionally left undetermined.

Learners reviewing this case can explore the experiences of trauma, its causes, and its treatments. Generating discussions regarding how to support family and patients experiencing trauma and/or death of a loved one is an intention of the narrative. There are a number of ideal interprofessional interactions to analyze.

Learning Objectives

In this case, learners have an opportunity to:

  1. Build knowledge related to the patient’s experience of trauma, including mechanism of injury, and trauma management, particularly spinal immobilization
  2. Integrate knowledge about acute brain injury into existing knowledge associated with caring for patients experiencing trauma
  3. Continue to develop comprehensive assessment, and monitoring skills and abilities (e.g., neurological assessment, monitoring, diagnostic studies)
  4. Discuss the links between evidence-based knowledge and practice in the care of patients experiencing trauma (e.g., trauma protocols and guidelines)
  5. Recommend interventions based on the risk factors, status, and progression of trauma and brain injury
  6. Define the roles of healthcare professionals and the contributions they make to the healthcare team (or describe your own role and the roles of those in other professions)


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