
Case Study #8: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Learning Objectives

Case 8 describes a patient’s experience with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) that develops as a complication of her hospitalization.

Learners reviewing this case have an opportunity to explore how DVT develops, treatment options and prevention. The interprofessional collaboration is role modelled between nursing, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and medical residents.

Learning Objectives

In this case, learners have an opportunity to:

  1. Review etiological factors (i.e., risk factors, prevalence, co­morbidities) associated with DVT
  2. Build knowledge related to the patient’s experience of DVT, specifically related to compromised communication
  3. Continue to develop comprehensive assessment, and monitoring skills and abilities (e.g., assessment, diagnostic studies, laboratory data)
  4. Consider the links between evidence-based knowledge and practice in the care of patients with DVT
  5. Recommend interventions based on the risk factors, status, and progression of DVT
  6. Define the roles of healthcare professionals and the contributions they make to the healthcare team (or describe your own role and the roles of those in other professions)


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