

adverse impact/effect (Chapter 2.2) When an adopted policy or practice has a negative impact on members of a protected group.

baby boomers (Chapter 1.3) A generation of people born between 1946 and 1965.

bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR) (Chapter 2.2) Allows employers to discriminate and adopt discriminating policies if they have a legitimate reason to do so.

cafeteria plans (Chapter 1.3) A flexible benefit plan that gives all employees a minimum level of benefits and a set amount to spend on flexible benefits, such as additional health care or vacation time.

Canadian Constitution (Chapter 2.1) The highest level of legal authority in Canada, which outlines our rights and freedoms. The Constitution inspired the various human rights codes and acts in Canada and has had a profound effect on employment and labour law.

captial (Chapter 1.1) All resources a company uses to generate revenue.

code of conduct (Chapter 1.3) A document outlining the expected ethical behaviour of employees in a company.

common law (Chapter 2.1) Law created by judges when they interpret and apply statutory laws to specific cases. Often referred to as “case law.”

compensation (Chapter 1.1) Anything employees receive for their work.

contract law (Chapter 2.1) Collective agreements between employers and employees/unions and employment letters

cyberloafing (Chapter 1.3) When an employee uses a work computer during work time for personal reasons.

discrimination (Chapter 2.2) A policy or practice that has a disproportionate impact (adverse effect) on a group of people protected under human rights legislation. It can be intentional or unintentional.

diversity (Chapter 4.1) The differences between people.

external environment (Chapter 1.1) Outside forces that the company has no direct control over but could positively or negatively affect human resources and the organization.

flexible schedules (Chapter 1.1) When employees are permitted to set their own schedules.

Generation Y (millennials) (Chapter 1.3) A generation of people form between 1981 and 1999.

HR plan (Chapter 3.1) The specific activities carried out to achieve the HRM strategic plan.

HRM strategy (Chapter 3.1) The major objectives the organization wants to achieve.

HRM strategic plan (Chapter 3.1) An elaborate and systematic plan of action developed by an HR department to carry out the HRM strategy.

human resource management (HRM) (Chapter 1.1) The process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to the workplace, and developing strategies to retain employees.

multiculturalism (Chapter 4.1) Focuses on inclusiveness, understanding, respect, and an analysis of power.

multi-generational (Chapter 3.1) A work force or company made up of people of a wide range of ages.

offshoring (Chapter 1.3) The movement of jobs overseas to contain costs.

organizational life cycle (Chapter 3.1) The introduction, growth, maturity, and decline of the organization, which can determine staffing, compensation, training, and labour or employees relations strategies.

persuasive argument (Chapter 2.1) When one party in a court case refers to a similar case decided in another jurisdiction or a lower court.

privilege (Chapter 4.1) Comes from being part of a system where your race, gender, and sexual orientation is predominant in setting societal rules and norms. People who have it often don’t recognize it.

protected groups (Chapter 2.2) Specific groups of people identified in the human rights code who share an attribute that is defined as “prohibited grounds” for discrimination under the human rights act.

retention (Chapter 1.1) The process of keeping and motivating employees to stay with the organization.

staffing (Chapter 1.1) The entire hiring process, from posting a job to negotiating a salary package.

statutory law (Chapter 2.1) Written law that is created, debated, and voted upon by elected officials.

telecommuting (Chapter 1.1) When employees work from home or a remote location for a specified period of time.

tribunal (Chapter 2.1) A board, panel, or committee tasked with making decisions.

turnover (Chapter 1.3) The number of employees who leave a company in a particular period of time.

undue hardship (Chapter 2.2) When an employer cannot bear the costs of accommodating an employee.


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Introduction to Human Resource Management - First Canadian Edition Copyright © 2017 by Zelda Craig and College of New Caledonia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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