
Chapter 14: Safety and Health at Work

14.2 Health Hazards at Work

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  1. Be able to explain health concerns that can affect employees at work.

While WORKSAFE B.C. covers many areas relating to health and safety at work, a few other areas are also important to mention. Stress management, office-related injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, and no-fragrance areas are all contemporary issues surrounding employee health and safety. We will discuss these issues in this section.


In its annual survey on stress in America, [1] the American Psychological Association found that money (76 percent), work (70 percent), and the economy (65 percent) remain the most oft-cited sources of stress for Americans. Job instability is on the rise as a source of stress: nearly half (49 percent) of adults reported that job instability was a source of stress in 2010 (compared to 44 percent in 2009). At the same time, fewer Americans are satisfied with the ways their employers help them balance work and nonwork demands (36 percent in 2010 compared to 42 percent in 2009). The implications of these findings are obviously important for HRM professionals.

Before we discuss what HR professionals can do, let’s discuss some basic information about stress. As it is currently used, the term stress was coined by Hans Selye in 1936, who defined it as “the nonspecific response of the body to any demand for change.” [2]In other words, we can say that stress is the reaction we have to a stressor. Astressor is some activity, event, or other stimulus that causes either a positive or negative reaction in the body. Despite what people may think, some stress is actually good. For example, receiving a promotion at work may cause stress, but this kind of stress is considered to be positive. Stress is very much a personal thing, and depending on individual personalities, people may have different opinions about what is a stressor and what is not. For example, a professor does not normally find public speaking to be a stressor, while someone who does not do it on a daily basis may be very stressed about having to speak in public.

Stress Management

Selye recognized that not all stress is negative. Positive stress is called eustress. This type of stress is healthy and gives a feeling of fulfillment and other positive feelings. Eustress can cause us to push ourselves harder to meet an end goal. On the other hand,distress is the term used for negative stress. While eustress can push us, distress does not produce positive feelings and can go on for a long time without relief. We can further classify distress by chronic stress, which is prolonged exposure to stress, and acute stress, which is short-term high stress. For example, someone who receives little or no positive result from stress and is continuously stressed may experience chronic stress. Acute stress occurs in shorter bursts and may be experienced while someone is on a tight deadline for a project.

Two other terms related to stress are hyperstress and hypostress. Hyperstress is a type of stress in which there are extremes with little or no relief for a long period of time. This type of stress often results in burnout. Hypostress is the lack of eustress or distress in someone’s life. Remember, some stress can be good and pushes us to work harder. We see this type of stress with people who may work in a factory or other type of repetitive job. The effect of this type of stress is usually feelings of restlessness.

Figure 14.3 The Stress Curve Source: Adapted from P. Nixon, 1979.

One last important thing to note is how a person goes through the cycle of stress. Figure 14.3 “The Stress Curve” shows an example of how stress is good up to a point, but beyond that point, the person is fatigued and negatively affected by the stress. Bear in mind, this varies from person to person based on personality type and stress-coping mechanisms.

As you have already guessed, stress on the job creates productivity issues, which is why it concerns HR professionals. We know that stress can cause headaches, stomach issues, and other negative effects that can result in lost productivity but also result in less creative work. Stress can raise health insurance costs and cause employee turnover. Because of this, according to HR Magazine, [3] many employers are taking the time to identify the chief workplace stressors in employees’ lives. With this information, steps can be taken to reduce or eliminate such stress.

PricewaterhouseCoopers, for example, implemented several strategies to reduce stress in its workplace. The firm restructured its work teams so that rather than having one employee work with one client, teams of employees work with groups of clients. Rather than having an employee say, “I can’t go to my son’s baseball game because I need to wait for this client call,” this arrangement allows employees to cover for each other.

The organization also requires employees to take vacation time and even promotes it with posters throughout the office. In fact, even weekends are precious at PricewaterhouseCoopers. If an employee sends an e-mail on the weekend, a popup screen reminds her or him it is the weekend and it is time to disconnect.

Being a Student Can Be Stressful

Here are the most common stressors for college students:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Relocating to a new city or province
  • Divorce of parents
  • Encounter with the legal system
  • Transfer to a new school
  • Marriage
  • Lost job
  • Elected to leadership position
  • New romantic relationship
  • Serious argument with close friend
  • Increase in course load or difficulty of courses
  • Change in health of family member
  • First semester in college
  • Failed important course
  • Major personal injury or illness
  • Change in living conditions
  • Argument with instructor
  • Outstanding achievement
  • Change in social life
  • Change in sleeping habits
  • Lower grades than expected
  • Breakup of relationship
  • New job
  • Financial problems
  • Change in eating habits
  • Chronic car trouble
  • Pregnancy
  • Too many missed classes
  • Long commute to work/school
  • Working more than one job
  • Impending graduation
  • Argument with family member
  • Sexual concerns
  • Changes in alcohol and/or drug use
  • Roommate problems
  • Raising children

Offering flextime is also a way to reduce employee stress. It allows employees to arrange their work and family schedule to one that reduces stress for them. This type of creative scheduling, according to Von Madsen, HR manager at ARUP Laboratories, [4]allows employees to work around a schedule that suits them best. Other creative ways to reduce stress might be to offer concierge services, on-site child care, wellness initiatives, and massage therapy. All these options can garner loyalty and higher productivity from employees.

Human Resource Recall

What does your organization do to reduce stress? What should it do that it is not doing?

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) are injuries to the fingers, hands, arms, or shoulders that result from repetitive motions such as typing.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, or CTS, is a common cumulative disorder in which the hand and wrist is particularly affected. CTS is a disabling syndrome that fortunately can be prevented or at least minimized. According to one study of CTS, [5] the percentage of a workday at a computer, posture while at the workstation, and the individual’s body features all contribute to this workplace issue. More recently, RSI can be found in people who text a lot or use their smartphones to type or surf the Internet.

Figure 14.4 Example of an OSHA Standard for Retail Grocery Stores to Avoid RSI Source:http://www.osha.gov/ergonomics/guidelines/retailgrocery/retailgrocery.html#storewide (accessed September 2, 2011).

There are a number of keyboards, chairs, and other devices that can help limit or prevent RSI issues. RSI disorders cost companies money through higher health-care costs and worker’s compensation payments. OHS Regulations have specific requirements related to musculoskeletal injuries.

Microsoft is attempting to relieve RSI by developing “surface” technology. First introduced in 2007, the system is controlled through intuitive touch rather than the traditional mouse and keyboard. Microsoft and Samsung in early 2011 introduced the newest consumer-ready product, which looks like a large tablet (or iPad) used to perform the same functions as one normally would on her computer. [7]

How Would You Handle This?

To Tell or Not?

You work for a large multinational organization as a manager on the factory floor. One of your employees was moving large barrels of chemicals from one workstation to another, when the barrel burst and gave him mild burns. When you talk with him about it, he says it was his own fault, and he doesn’t want to take any days off or see a doctor. How would you handle this?

 Video Display Terminals (VDTs)

In 1984, only 25 percent of people used computers at work, and today that number is 68 percent. [8] Awareness of the effects of computer monitors and other similar terminals are necessary to ensure a healthy workplace. Vision problems; fatigue; eye strain; and neck, back, arm, and muscle pain are common for frequent users of VDTs. OSHA in the United States recommends taking a break after every hour on a computer screen and reducing glare on screens. Proper posture and seat adjustment also limits the amount of injuries due to VDTs.

Chemical and environmental Sensitivities

The World Health Organization defines a disability as an umbrella term that covers impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. People with environmental sensitivities may experience adverse reactions to chemicals found in buildings, such as flooring, or other products that contain fragrance. In Canada, individuals who have documented environmental sensitivities are eligible for reasonable accommodations in the workplace. Symptoms can include headache, dizziness, inability to breathe, muscle pain, and many more depending on the person. As a result, implementing policies surrounding fragrances in the workplace may be a best practice to keep employees safe and healthy Some examples of such policies might include the following:

  1. Institute a fragrance-free workplace policy (e.g., no scented lotions, hair products, or perfumes).
  2. Limit use of restroom air fresheners, cleaning agents, and candles.
  3. Ensure the ventilation system is in good working order.
  4. Provide a workspace with windows where possible.
  5. Consider providing an alternate workspace.
  6. Be cautious of remodels, renovations, and other projects that may cause excessive dust and odors.

Many employers are reluctant to require employees to refrain from wearing or using scented products. In this case, rather than creating a policy, it might be worthwhile to simply request a fragrance-free zone from employees through e-mail and other means of communication. An example of such a policy is used by Kaiser Permanente:

We recognize that exposure to strong scents and fragrances in the environment can cause discomfort, as well as directly impact the health of some individuals. Since we hope to support a healthful environment for employees, physicians, and visitors, it is the intent of Quality and Operations Support to strive for a fragrance-controlled workplace. Therefore, for the comfort and health of all, use of scents and fragrant products by QOS employees, other than minimally scented personal care products, is strongly discouraged. [10]

Workplace Violence and Bullying

In 2014, WorkSafe B.C. mandated that employers have policies in place to address bullying and harassment. Policies must address:

  • How and when investigations will be conducted
  • What will be included in the investigation
  • The roles and responsibilities of employers, supervisors, workers and others
  • Follow-up to the investigations (corrective actions, time frame, etc)
  • Record-keeping requirements.

WorkSafe B.C. provides a number of resources to employers, including sample policies, a handbook and a guide for small businesses. You can see them here: https://www.worksafebc.com/en/health-safety/hazards-exposures/bullying-harassment/resource-toolkit

Workplace bullying is defined as a tendency of individuals or groups to use persistent or repeated aggressive or unreasonable behavior against a coworker or subordinate. The Workplace Bullying Institute found that 35 percent of workers have reported being bullied at work. This number is worth considering, given that workplace bullying reduces productivity with missed work days and turnover. The Workplace Bullying Institute found that litigation and settlement of bullying lawsuits can cost organizations $100,000 to millions of dollars, in addition to the bad publicity that may be created. Examples of workplace bullying include the following:

  1. Unwarranted or invalid criticism
  2. Blame without factual information
  3. Being treated differently than the rest of your work group
  4. Humiliation
  5. Unrealistic work deadlines
  6. Spreading rumors
  7. Undermining or deliberately impeding a person’s work

Workplace Violence

A video on workplace violence training.

Please view this video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiuWLkdUZ5o.

Anyone exhibiting one or more of these pre-incident indicators should get the attention of HRM. The HR professional should take appropriate action such as discussing the problem with the employee and offering counseling.

In 2014, the Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal (2014) ruled on a case of a nurse who stated she had developed psychological difficulties due to a co-worker’s bullying and harassment. The nurse applied to the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) for compensation. She indicated the bullying and harassment had taken place over a period of about six months. Her doctor indicated that the bully’s self-esteem was enhanced by making the nurse look and feel inferior, stupid and wrong. She was mocked, ostracized, gossiped about, and experienced sarcasm and aggressive body language. Another nurse indicated she had also suffered bullying at the hands of the same co-worker. This nurse confirmed that the bully had focused her attention onto this other nurse. Management seemed unable to deal with the issue. Specific incidents included physically blocking and intimidating her, sabotaging her work, yelling at her and criticizing her. She was going home at the end of the day in tears and dreading her next shift. After the appeal hearing, the Worker’s Compensation Appeal Tribunal found that the nurse had been bullied and was entitled to compensation.20

A safe work culture doesn’t happen by requiring training sessions every year; it occurs by creating an environment in which people can recognize hazards and have the authority and ability to fix them. Instead of safety being a management focus only, every employee should take interest by being alert to the safety issues that can exist. If an employee is unable to handle the situation on his or her own, the manager should then take suggestions from employees seriously; making the change and then communicating the change to the employee can be an important component of a safe and healthy workplace.

A culture that promotes safety is one that never puts cost or production numbers ahead of safety. You do not want to create a culture in which health and safety priorities compete with production speedup, which can lead to a dangerous situation.

Possible techniques you can implement to have a safe and healthy work environment include the following:

  1. Know the occupational health and safety laws in your jurisdiction.
  2. Provide training to employees on health and safety laws and workplace policies and procedures.
  3. Have a written policy for how violations will be handled.
  4. Commit the resources (time and money) necessary to ensure a healthy work environment.
  5. Involve employees in safety and health discussions, as they may have good ideas as to how the organization can improve.
  6. Make safety part of an employee’s job description; in other words, hold employees accountable for always practicing safety at work.
  7. Understand how the health (or lack of health) of your employees contributes to or takes away from the bottom line and implement policies and programs to assist in this effort.

Key Takeaways

  • Stress is a major concern for organizations, since it can decrease productivity in the workplace. There are several types of stress.
  • EUSTRESS is a positive type of stress that can cause people to work harder toward a goal. DISTRESS, on the other hand, is a type of negative stress.
  • ACUTE STRESS occurs in short bursts, such as when finishing a project, while CHRONIC STRESS tends to persist for long periods of time.
  • HYPERSTRESS is stress that is unrelieved for long periods of time and can often result in employee burnout. HYPOSTRESS is the lack of eustress in one’s life, which can be as damaging as other types of stress, since stress is sometimes what pushes people harder.
  • HR professionals can encourage employees to take vacation time, offer flextime, and encourage employees to take weekends off to help reduce stress.
  • REPETETIVE STRAIN INJURIES (RSI) affects the hands, fingers, arms, or shoulders as a result of continuous repetitive motions. CARPEL TUNNEL SYNDROME (CTS) is a type of RSI that affects the hand and wrist. People with these disorders often work in a factory or at a desk where they are doing repetitive motions constantly, such as typing or cashiering.
  • Reduce RSI in the workplace by ensuring employees are provided with proper equipment and training.
  • MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS) or ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY is extreme sensitivity to chemicals found in products such as hairsprays or lotions. Some individuals are extremely sensitive to other types of chemicals, such as those used in the manufacturing of carpets.
  • Environmental sensitivity can be considered a disability if it limits one or more life activities. In this case, reasonable accommodations must be made, such as implementing fragrance-free zones.
  • WORKPLACE BULLYING is when a person is aggressive and unreasonable in his or her behavior toward another individual. Cyberbullying is similar, except technology is used to humiliate and intimidate the employee.
  • To maintain a healthful working environment, know health and safety regulations and policies and make sure people are trained on the policies. Also ensure that specific policies on all areas of health and safety are communicated and employees are trained in those areas where necessary.


1: Research examples of workplace bullying, write two paragraphs about two examples, and share your findings with the class.

[1] American Psychological Association, “Key Findings,” news release, n.d., accessed April 17, 2011, http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/key-findings.aspx.

[2] The American Institute of Stress, accessed September 15, 2011,http://www.stress.org/topic-definition-stress.htm.

[3] Kathryn Tyler, “Stress Management,” HR Magazine, September 1, 2006, accessed April 19, 2011, http://www.shrm.org/Publications/hrmagazine/EditorialContent/Pages/0906tyler.aspx.

[4] Kathryn Tyler, “Stress Management,” HR Magazine, September 1, 2006, accessed April 19, 2011, http://www.shrm.org/Publications/hrmagazine/EditorialContent/Pages/0906tyler.aspx.

[5] A. C. Matias, G. Salvendy, and T. Kuczek, Ergonomics Journal 41, no. 2 (1998): 213–26, accessed April 19, 2011, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9494433.

[6] “OSHA Protocol for Developing Industry-Specific and Task-Specific Ergonomics Guidelines,” Occupational Safety and Health Administration, accessed April 25, 2011,http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/ergonomics/protocol.html.

[7] Microsoft News Center, “Microsoft and Samsung Unveil the Next Generation of Surface,” news release, January 2011, accessed August 21, 2011,http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2011/jan11/01-06mssurfacesamsungpr.mspx.

[8] “Survey Shows Widespread Enthusiasm for High Technology,” NPR Online, n.d., accessed August 20, 2011, http://www.npr.org/programs/specials/poll/technology/.

[9] “Section 902: Definition of the Term Disability,” Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, accessed April 25, 2011, http://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/902cm.html#902.1.

[10] Kaiser Permanente Fragrance Policy, accessed September 15, 2011,http://users.lmi.net/wilworks/ehnlinx/k.htm.

[11] International Labor Organization, “Your Safety and Health at Work: Chemicals in the Workplace,” accessed April 25, 2011, http://actrav.itcilo.org/actrav-english/telearn/osh/kemi/ciwmain.htm.

[12] Julie Steenhuysen, “26 US States Have Comprehensive Smoking Bans,” Reuters, April 21, 2011, accessed April 25, 2011, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/21/usa-smoking-idUSN2128332820110421.

[13] “Insurer Humana Inc. Won’t Hire Smokers in Arizona,” Associated Press, June 30, 2011, accessed August 20, 2011, http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Insurer-Humana-Inc-wont-hire-apf-961910618.html?x=0&.v=1.

[14] “Workplace Substance Abuse,” Occupational Safety and Health Administration, accessed August 20, 2011, http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/substanceabuse/index.html.

[15] T. Buddy, “Substance Abuse in the Workplace,” About.com, November 20, 2011, accessed August 20, 2011, http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/work/a/aa990120.htm.

[16] “Workplace Violence” (OSHA Fact Sheet), Occupational Safety and Health Administration, accessed April 25, 2011, http://www.osha.gov/OshDoc/data_General_Facts/factsheet-workplace-violence.pdf.

[17] Jurg Mattman, “Pre-Incident Indicators,” Workplace Violence Research Institute, June 2010, accessed April 27, 2011, http://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/RESPECT/pdf/RESPECT-Pre-IncidentIndicators24Jun09.pdf.

[18] Karen Klein, “Employers Can’t Ignore Workplace Bullies,” Bloomberg Businessweek, May 7, 2008, accessed August 20, 2011,http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/may2008/sb2008057_530667.htm.

[19] Madeleine White, “Are Cyber Bullies Worse for Victims than Real Bullies?” Globe and Mail, August 8, 2011, accessed August 20, 2011, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/the-hot-button/are-cyber-bullies-worse-for-victims-than-real-bullies/article2122943/

[20] Madeleine White, “Are Cyber Bullies Worse for Victims than Real Bullies?” Globe and Mail, August 8, 2011, accessed August 20, 2011, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/the-hot-button/are-cyber-bullies-worse-for-victims-than-real-bullies/article2122943/.

[21] National Conference of State Legislatures, “State Cyberstalking, Cyberharassment, and Cyberbullying Laws,” January 26, 2011, accessed August 20, 2011,http://www.ncsl.org/default.aspx?tabid=13495.

[22] Daniel Solove, “Off Campus Cyberbullying and the First Amendment,” Huffington Post, July 28, 2011, accessed August 20, 2011, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-j-solove/offcampus-cyberbullying-a_b_911654.html.

[23] Patricia Hart, “Attorneys Seek to Question Texas Comptroller Over Exposed Info,”Houston Chronicle, April 26, 2011, accessed April 27, 2011,http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/7537769.html.

[24] “Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance Survey,” American Management Association, 2007, accessed April 27, 2011, http://press.amanet.org/press-releases/177/2007-electronic-monitoring-surveillance-survey/.

[25] “Employee Privacy Policy,” Agrium Inc., accessed August 21, 2011,http://www.agrium.com/employee_privacy.jsp.

[26] Donald Sears, “Gym Memberships and Wellness Programs Remain Standard Employee Benefits,” The Ladders Career Line, July 21, 2009, accessed April 27, 2011, http://www.career-line.com/job-search/gym-memberships-and-wellness-programs-remain-standard-employee-benefits/.

Chapter Summary

  • In 2014, 173 work-related deaths were reported in BC, as well as 146,814 injuries.
  • The costs of workplace injuries include lost productivity, lost wages, medical expenses, disability compensation, and physical and psychological suffering.
  • Workers have a right to a healthy and safe workplace, right to be trained, and the right to refuse unsafe work. They also have a duty to follow the employer’s health and safety plan and policies.
  • WHMIS is the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) identify information about how to handle a substance, and how to respond to exposure.
  • Employers must document and maintain records for all workplace accidents or illness. Serious incidents must be reported immediately to WorkSafe B.C. , and investigated by the employer within 48 hours.
  • WorkSafe B.C. can inspect any site without prior notification. Usually, the inspector will gather information, visit the site, and ask for an employer representative. The site visit will be performed, followed by discussion with the company representative. Within six months of the visit, a report and any penalties will be communicated.
  • The Westray Mining disaster resulted in the development of Bill C-45, which allows employers and supervisors to be charged criminally after a serious offence. Penalties include fines and jail time.
  • Stress is a major concern for organizations, since it can decrease productivity in the workplace. There are several types of stress.
  • EUSTRESS is a positive type of stress that can cause people to work harder toward a goal. Distress, on the other hand, is a type of negative stress.
  • ACUTE STRESS occurs in short bursts, such as when finishing a project, while chronic stress tends to persist for long periods of time.
  • HYPERSTRESS is stress that is unrelieved for long periods of time and can often result in employee burnout. HYPOSTRESS is the lack of eustress in one’s life, which can be as damaging as other types of stress, since stress is sometimes what pushes people harder.
  • HR professionals can encourage employees to take vacation time, offer flextime, and encourage employees to take weekends off to help reduce stress.
  • REPETETIVE STRAIN INJURIES (RSI) affects the hands, fingers, arms, or shoulders as a result of continuous repetitive motions. Carpel tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a type of RSI that affects the hand and wrist. People with these disorders often work in a factory or at a desk where they are doing repetitive motions constantly, such as typing or cashiering.
  • Reduce RSI in the workplace by ensuring employees are provided with proper equipment and training.
  • MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY (MCS) or ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY is extreme sensitivity to chemicals found in products such as hairsprays or lotions. Some individuals are extremely sensitive to other types of chemicals, such as those used in the manufacturing of carpets.
  • Environmental sensitivity can be considered a disability if it limits one or more life activities. In this case, reasonable accommodations must be made, such as implementing fragrance-free zones.
  • WORKPLACE BULLYING is when a person is aggressive and unreasonable in his or her behavior toward another individual. CYBERBULLYING is similar, except technology is used to humiliate and intimidate the employee.
  • To maintain a healthful working environment, know health and safety regulations and policies and make sure people are trained on the policies. Also ensure that specific policies on all areas of health and safety are communicated and employees are trained in those areas where necessary.
20 WCAT-2014-01458 (Re), 2014 CanLII 41927 (BC WCAT), http://canlii.ca/t/g871x, retrieved on 2016-07-05


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Introduction to Human Resource Management - First Canadian Edition Copyright © 2017 by Zelda Craig and College of New Caledonia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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