Welcome to this OER Creation & Adaptation guide!
Although you may make your way through this guide at your own pace and with the assistance of the embedded videos, this resource is designed to accompany face-to-face instruction during a 90 minute workshop.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this workshop you will be able to:
- Define and describe different types of Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Explain the differences between the various Creative Commons licenses
- Create a BCcampus Pressbooks account
- Create parts and chapters within your open textbook
- Write a list of learning outcomes for the first page of your open textbook
- Search for relevant and openly-licensed content within major OER repositories
- Import text from web pages into your open textbook
- Locate relevant and openly-licensed images
- Locate relevant and openly-licensed videos
- Embed images and videos within your open textbook
- Use the Pressbooks formatting toolbar to add hyperlinks to the text
- Use the Pressbooks formatting toolbar to create shaded boxes and to properly format learning outcomes
- Reorganize the pages and chapters of your open textbook
- Publish your open textbook
- Alter the privacy settings of your open textbook