
Chapter 2 Summary & Key Term Check

Chapter 2 Main Ideas

2.1 Starting With a Big Bang

The universe began 13.8 billion years ago when energy, matter, and space expanded from a single point. Evidence for the big bang includes the cosmic “afterglow” from when the universe was still very dense. Also, red-shifted light from distant galaxies tells us the universe is still expanding.

2.2 Forming Planets from the Remnants of Exploding Stars

The big bang produced hydrogen and some helium, but heavier elements come from nuclear fusion reactions in stars. Large stars make elements such as silicon, iron, and magnesium, which are important in forming terrestrial planets. Large stars explode as supernovae and scatter the elements into space. Earth’s composition is closely related to the abundance of elements made by stars.

2.3 How to Build a Solar System

Solar systems begin with the collapse of a cloud of gas and dust. Material drawn to the centre forms a star, and the remainder forms a disk around the star. Material within the disk clumps together to form planets. In our solar system, rocky planets are closer to the sun, and ice and gas giants are farther away. This is because temperatures near the sun were too high for ice to form, but silicate minerals and metals could solidify.

2.4 Earth’s First 2 Billion Years

Early Earth was heated by radioactive decay, collisions with bodies from space, and gravitational compression. Heating caused molten metal to sink to Earth’s centre and form a core, and silicate minerals to form the mantle and crust. A collision with a planet the size of Mars knocked debris into orbit around Earth, and the debris coalesced into the moon. Earth’s atmosphere is the result of volcanic degassing, contributions by comets and meteorites, and photosynthesis.

2.5 Are There Other Earths?

The search for exoplanets has identified 60 planets that are similar in size to Earth and within the habitable zone of their stars. These are thought to be rocky worlds like Earth, but the compositions of these planets are not known for certain.

Key Term Check

What key term from Chapter 2 is each card describing? Turn the card to check your answer.

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Physical Geology - H5P Edition V1.1 Copyright © 2021 by Karla Panchuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.