

7 Actors and stage performers

  1. A type of drama where the actors wore Roman, rather than Greek, dress.
  2. He was a freedman of Augustus and one of those who introduced pantomime to the Romans; he focused on tragic pantomime. He attacked the audience on other occasions: one when he was acting out the madness of Hercules the audience hissed at him for not dancing properly; he threw off his mask and screamed “idiots! I am acting the role of a madman!” His exile was in 18 BCE – he was back within a year.
  3. The speaker is the hero of the novel who has been turned into a donkey due to an unfortunate incident with magic.
  4. A type of war dance.
  5. The reference and the following are to mythical events that preceeded the Trojan War and which are now being staged as a dance. Paris, one of the sons of the King of Troy, was a shepherd on the mountain and was picked to adjudicate a competition between three goddesses: Juno, Minerva, and Venus. He picked Venus because she offered him Helen of Troy..
  6. Because she symbolized power and queenship.
  7. Minerva was a Roman goddess often assimilated to the Greek war goddess, Athena.
  8. Dorian here is an allusion to the war like people of Sparta, an ancient Greek power that was now run as a bit of tourist destination for Romans and others.
  9. Hippolytus is a mythical Greek hero who had an almost fanatical commitment to chastity.
  10. Priam, the elderly king of Troy.
  11. Augustus pushed through a great deal of moral legislation as emperor.
  12. Tiberius had retired to the island of Capri,; the Latin for goat is caper, hence the double meaning.
  13. One of Augustan artists who introduced pantomime to Rome; he appears to have focused on comic pantomime and rather sexy version of myths.
  14. A pantomime based on the myth of Leda and the swan.
  15. This is a satire against women in which Juvenal basically accuses them of all the evils that a Roman could imagine. And that was  quite a few.
  16. Games run and put on by members of the priestly colleges, rather than the magistrates.
  17. A legendary king of the Sabines, who eventually co-ruled that people and the Romans along with Romulus.
  18. All were members of the imperial family.
  19. Augustus seems to have been extremely fond of mime, in fact.
  20. Tacitus really hates Tiberius, so take such comments with a pinch of salt.
  21. null
  22. This is not consistent with the story about the mime Stefanio that opens this section.
  23. This can refer to a wide range of actors, though probably mime actors are intended here.
  24. Normally they would only be expelled from the city of Rome.


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